- A biologically disabled person
- A building with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors, foundations, decomposing windows or floors
- A capital group
- A closed-end fund
- A Co-operative Effort to Implement the Information Society in Europe
- A health care facility
- A projection hall
- A representative of TFI
- A securitization fund
- A study of the conditions and directions of spatial management of the commune
- Absolute cumulative numbers
- Absolute measures of variation
- Absolute numbers
- Academic careers and appointments service
- Academic degree
- Academic teacher
- Academic title
- Academic year
- Acandidate applying for the mandate or authority
- Access to public transport
- Accident at work
- Account of indices
- Accounting unit
- Acquisition costs
- Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets
- Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
- Act of local law
- Activation allowances
- Active job seeking by Census 2021
- Active job seeking by LFS
- Active protection
- Active routes (bus, trains, trolley-buses)
- Active sewage network
- Active units
- Activity executable < execute >
- Activity in the structure of another institution
- Activity rate by Census 2021
- Activity rate by LFS
- Actual increase
- Actual individual consumption
- Actual workplace
- Adaptation for disabled persons in tourist accommodation establishments
- Adaptation the library for the blind and partially-sighted person
- Addiction recovery center
- Additional job according to: Population and Housing Census 2002, National Census of Population and Housing 2011
- Additional source of maintenance of the household
- Adherent
- Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
- Adjustment of units to the needs of the disabled persons
- Administrative expenses
- Admission room
- Adoption
- Adoption centre
- ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Adult bovine animals
- Adult vocational education
- Adults
- Advance factoring
- Advertising film
- Advertising mail
- Afforestation
- Afforestation of tree stand gaps
- Age
- Age class of tree stands
- Age dependency ratio
- Ageing of population
- Ageing ratio
- Agency commission wages and salaries
- Agents
- Age-specific fertility rate
- Aggregate index of prices according to the Laspeyres formula
- Aggregate index of prices according to the Paasche formula
- Aggregate value index
- Aggregation
- Agricultural activity
- Agricultural course (training)
- Agricultural crops
- Agricultural holding
- Agricultural income
- Agricultural land
- Agricultural land area
- Agricultural land in administrative borders
- Agricultural land of which sown
- Agricultural market output
- Agricultural products
- Agricultural tractor
- Agrotourism lodgings
- Aid for degree students
- Air conditioning
- Air passenger seats available
- Air pollution protection
- Air pollution reduction
- Air routes
- Air temperature
- Aircraft
- Aircraft movement at airports
- Aircraft-kilometres performed
- Airport
- Alimony fund benefits
- All-navigable sewage network
- Allocation of primary income account
- Allotment
- Allowances for uncollectible accounts
- Ambient concentration
- Ambient heat
- Aministrative employee
- Amortised obligations (the reporting unit by another unit)
- An enterprise group
- An exhibition catalogue
- An instructor/animator
- An open-end(ed) fund
- An out-patient department
- Analogue (standard) modem, traditional modem
- Animal market output
- Animal product
- Aninsurer
- Annual plants for enegy production
- Annual Work Unit
- ANSI X12
- Antiques
- Apartment heating
- Application
- Applied research
- Appointed electoral seat
- Appointed employee
- Apprenticeship
- Appropriated State Funds
- Aquaculture
- Aquittal
- Arable land
- Archival materials
- Archival resources preserved in state archives
- Archival unit
- Area land total
- Area of a gmina
- Area of green manure
- Area of holding
- Area of mining damage
- Area of special nature value under legal protection
- Area of variability
- Arithmetic mean
- Arrears in payments for dwellings
- Arrears in repayment of housing loan
- Arrival
- Art gallery
- Art school
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial renewals
- Artificial reservoir
- Artistic activities and entertainment
- Artistic ensemble (in cultural institution)
- Assembly
- Assets
- Assistance to reach financial self-dependence
- Assistant family
- Assistant lecturer
- Assistant professor
- Assortment group of goods
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers
- At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers including old-age and survivors' benefits
- At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers other then old-age and survivors' benefits
- Audience
- Audio description
- Audiovisual materials
- Author's meeting
- Authorised capital
- Author's property rights, related rights, licenses and concessions
- Autochthon
- Automatic data exchange
- Automobile theft
- Autoproducer CHP
- Autoproducer electricity only
- Autoproducer heat only
- Auxiliary unit
- Available for work
- Average absolute deviation
- Average annual price index of consumer goods and services
- Average construction period of residential buildings
- Average distance of cargo transportation by sea and coastal fleet
- Average error of estimation
- Average length of stay of inpatients
- Average monthly gross wages and salaries
- Average monthly gross wages and salaries without payments from profit
- Average monthly number of disbursed family benefits
- Average monthly wages and salaries without contributions to social security
- Average paid employment
- Average paid employment to calculate the average monthly wages and salaries
- Average price of residential premises sold in market transactions
- Average price per 1 m2 of residential premises sold in market transactions
- Average retirement pay and pension
- Average transport distance of a passenger by sea and coastal transport fleet
- Awards and bonuses from profit for distribution or balance surpluses in cooperatives
- Awards (excluding payments from profit)
- Backfilling
- Bad meadows
- Balance foreign trade goods turnover
- Balance of admnistrative changes
- Balance of energy transformation
- Balance of errors and omissions
- Balance of payments
- Balance of remaining accounting items (net)
- Balance of services
- Balance sheet
- Balances of materials
- Ballast tractor
- Bank
- Bank credit
- Bank Debentures
- Bank guarantee
- Bar
- Barges fleet
- Barren arable land
- Base salary
- Basic cereals
- Basic price
- Basic research
- Bearer securities
- Bearer share
- Bed places in tourist accommodation establishments.
- Beddays
- Beds
- Bee colony
- Beehive
- Beekeeper
- Believer
- Beneficiaries from family benefits
- Beneficiaries of social assistance at domicile
- Beneficiaries of social protection benefits
- Beneficiary
- Benefits in kind
- Berry fruit production
- Bibliometrics (scientometrics)
- Bicycle road
- Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
- Biodegradable waste
- Biogas
- Biohydrogen
- Biological wastewater treatment plant
- Biologically treated wastewater
- Biomass
- Biotechnology
- Bio-waste
- Birth rate
- Bishop
- Bit rate
- Bitrh
- BKB (brown coal briquettes)
- Blanks
- Blast furnace gas
- Block trade
- Blocked deposit
- Blood donation
- Blood donor
- Board members of the voivodship
- Boarding house
- Boarding school
- Boarding school resident
- Body Mass Index
- Boiler house
- Bond owner, bondholder
- Bonds
- Book
- Books of account
- Border checks
- Border crossing point
- Border traffic of goods
- Border waters
- Botanical garden
- Bottom sediments
- Bovine animals
- Bovine animals of 2 years and over
- Branch
- Branch of children
- Branch of the enterprise
- Branch school
- Breeding boars and weaners (stores)
- Breeding Gilts haven't yet mated
- Breeding sows
- Bridge building on public roads
- Brine
- Broad field of education and training
- Broadband connection
- Broadcasting station
- Brochure
- Broilers
- Brown coal
- Budget of European funds
- Budget of local government
- Budget of Polish sports association
- Budgetary deficit
- Budgetary management institution
- Budgetary management institution costs
- Budgetary management institution income
- Budgetary unit
- Buffer zone
- Buffer zone for game animals
- Building
- Building constituting the coownership
- Building equipped with central heating
- Building equipped with gas from gas supply system
- Building equipped with sewerage network
- Building equipped with water supply system
- Building owned by company
- Building owned by gmina
- Building owned by housing cooperative
- Building owned by natural person
- Building owned by other entity
- Building owned by public building societies
- Building owned by the State Treasury
- Building permit and registration with a construction project
- Buildings completed
- Bulb
- Bulglary
- Bulls, bullocks and fattening oxes/steers (fattened adult male of cattle)
- Bus
- Bus lane
- Business debts
- Business function
- Business Inteliigence
- Business premises
- Business process innovation
- Business Register
- Business tendency
- Business travel expenses
- Business trips
- Cable television
- Calves
- Camping
- Canteen
- Capacity production of watersupply facilities of twenty-four hours
- Capital accounts
- Capital expenditure on environment protection and water management
- Capital market
- Capital R&D expenditures
- Capital transfers
- Capitalization
- Car fleet
- Car loan
- Care allowance
- Care and education center for children and young people
- Care benefit
- Care services
- Cargo maritime transport in ton - kilometers
- Cargo traffic at sea ports
- Cargo transport by liner shipping
- Cargo transport by sea
- Cargo transport by sea at ocean range
- Cargo transport by sea in the range of Europe
- Cargo transport by sea in the range of the Baltic
- Cargo transport by tramp shipping
- Cargo under own transport management
- Carriage of passengers by sea
- Carrier
- Cash
- Cash credit
- Cash flow account
- Cash flows
- Cash loan
- Cash market
- Cassation
- Cast station
- Category of tourist accommodation establishment
- Catering establishment
- Catering outlet
- Causes of accident
- Causes of death
- Cave
- Cemetery
- Census
- Census enumeration area
- Center for public broadcasting
- Centre of culture
- Centres combining tasks of the centres
- Cereals balance sheet
- Certificate of postgraduate studies completion
- Chain indexes
- Changes in inventories
- Changing job, resigning from job or dissmisal
- Chapel
- Charcoal
- Chat
- Chemical oxygen demand
- Chemical wastewater treatment plant
- Chemically treated wastewater
- Chick
- Child in the family
- Childbirths
- Child-raising benefits
- Children
- Children (aged 0-17) living in jobless households (LFS indicator)
- Children and youth in educational centres
- Children born by foreign women
- Children from divorced marriages
- Children from separated marriages who are dependent
- Children in abolished separations
- Children in pre-primary education
- Choir
- Choropleth map
- Chronic medical care homes
- Chronological mean
- Cinema
- Cities with which scheduled air connections are maintained
- Citizenship
- Civic budget
- Civil engineering works
- Civil law contract
- Claims due
- Claims incurred
- Claims paid - net of reinsurance
- Classes developing emotional and social competencies
- Classical measures
- Classification standards
- Clean indicators of periodic fluctuations
- Clean-up /treatment/ of cooling water
- Clearings
- Clergy
- Clergyman
- Closed water cycle
- Closed water cycle capacity
- Cloud Computing
- Cloudiness
- Club (in cultural institution)
- Cluster sampling
- Coal tar
- Coastal transport fleet
- Coastline
- Code Division Multiple Access
- Code Division Multiple Access 2000
- Coefficient of convegence
- Coefficient of determination
- Coefficient of partial correlation
- Coefficient of variation
- Coefficient of variation of average deviation
- Coefficient of variation of standard deviation
- Coefficient of variation of the quartile deviation
- Cohort
- Coke
- Coking coal
- Collecting of waste
- Collection
- Collection sites
- Collective accomodation building
- Collective accomodation facility
- Collective portfolio of securities
- Collectors items
- College of Social Work
- Combined heat and power plant
- Commercial air service
- Commercial bank
- Common court
- Common Electronic System of Population Register
- Community centre /After-school club (cultural entity)
- Community industrial design
- Community self-help centre
- Community Trademark and Design Court
- Company collective agreements
- Company construction
- Company social benefit fund
- Compensation of employees
- Compensatory benefit
- Competitor
- Compiling statistical data
- Complaint
- Complete family
- Composting of waste
- Compulsory insurance
- Computer
- Computer development of library collections
- Computer network
- Concert
- Conditional distribution of correlation table
- Conditions of development and spatial management
- Conference infrastructure in tourist accommodation establishments
- Conferment procedure for a doctoral degree
- Confidence indicator
- Congregation
- Consolidated balance of monetary financial institutions
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated Credit
- Consolidated financial statement
- Consolidated profit and loss account
- Constant prices
- Construction for sale or rent
- Construction period of a residential building
- Consultation
- Consumer debts
- Consumer goods
- Consumer goods non-foodstuffs
- Consumer leasing
- Consumers of electric energy in households
- Consumption of electricity in households
- Consumption of gas from gas supply system
- Consumption of gas from gas supply system per inhabitant
- Consumption of gas in households
- Consumption of materials
- Consumption of selected foodstuffs
- Consumption of the energy branch
- Consumption of water
- Contact-mode of injury
- Contained use of GMO
- Container ISO
- Container ship
- Continuous trading
- Contract workers
- Contractor
- Contributing family workers by LFS
- Contributions to social security paid by the insured employees
- Contributions to the Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits
- Contributions to the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People
- Control medical examinations
- Conventional railway line
- Converter gas
- Cooling water
- Cooperation with other institutions
- Cooperative bank
- Cooperative construction
- Co-operative savings and credit union
- Copies of original materials
- Co-production (movies and spectacles)
- Core business function
- Corporate Bond
- Corporate income tax
- Corrections and supplements
- Corrective-compensatory classes
- Correlation
- Correlation dependence
- Correlation ratio
- Correlation series
- Cost level indicator
- Cost of products sold (goods and services)
- Costs arising from OFE's management
- Costs by type
- Costs of activity of the social economy entities
- Costs of banking activity
- Costs of completed development projects
- Costs of construction and assembly production
- Costs of covering the deficits in OFE's
- Costs of dwelling stock maintenance
- Costs of generating benefits for the needs of the entity
- Costs of products, goods and materials sold
- Costs of provided services
- Costs of state legal entities
- Council of the city withcounties status
- Council of the gmina
- Councillor
- Countries with which scheduled air connections are maintained
- Country of birth
- Country of consignment
- Country of destination
- Country of origin
- Courier consignment
- Course
- Course graduate
- Course organized by a sports association
- Courses organized by cultural institutions
- Court receiver
- Covariance
- Coverage error
- covers
- Cows' milk production
- Creative arts centres
- Credit
- Credit broker
- Credit for general government sector
- Credit for non-financial sector
- Credit margin
- Crime
- Crime against freedom
- Crime against freedom of conscience and religion
- Crime against life and health
- Crime against property
- Crime against public safety and safety in transport
- Crime against the family and custody
- Criminal coercion
- Crisis intervention
- CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management
- Crop market output
- Crop production
- Crops
- Crops intended for energy purposes
- Cruelty to family member
- Cruise ship
- Cubic volume of a building
- Cultivated area of fruit tree and berry nurseries
- Cultural centre
- Cultural entity
- Cultural establishment
- Cultural institution
- Currency in circulation (excluding vault cash)
- Current account
- Current assets
- Current consumer confidence indicator
- Current costs of environmental protection
- Current deposit
- Current expenditure of state budgetary units
- Current expenditure on healthcare
- Current expenditures on R&D activity
- Current external balance
- Current prices
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- Current transfers
- Curvilinear regression
- Custodian bank
- Cyclical event
- Cyclical fluctuations
- Cyclones
- Dairy cows
- Data base
- Data of national economy units creation
- Data transmission
- Data warehouse
- Date of commencement of activities
- Date of completion of a residential building/dwelling
- Date of initiating construction of a residential building/dwelling
- Date of suspending activity
- Day care places
- Day carer
- Day-care assistance house
- Days of tourist accommodation establishment activity
- Day-support centre
- Deadweight tonnage (DWT)
- Deadwood
- Deanery (decanate)
- Death
- Death rate
- Debt
- Debt collection company
- Debt guaranteed (secured) by the government of Republic of Poland
- Debt paper
- Debt securities
- Debt security
- Debut (film)
- Decile
- Decile group
- Declared country of residence
- Decomposition of time series
- Decrements of dwelling stocks
- Dedicated high-speed railway line
- Dedicated research entities
- Deep water
- Deflator
- Defoliation
- Degraded area
- Degraded land
- Degree of consumption of fixed assets
- Degree of research equipment consumption in research and development
- Degree programmes
- Delayed payments
- Deliberate release of GMO into environment
- Delivery
- Delivery units
- Demand
- Demand (current) account
- Demand deposit
- Demand for labour
- Demand for the rental of gminas' dwelling stocks
- Demographic dynamics rate
- Demographic projections
- Denivelation of the cave
- Density of population
- Dentist
- Department
- Department store
- Dependency ratio of the population at pre-working age
- Dependency ratio of the population of post-working age
- Dependent person
- Dependent variable
- Deposit
- Deposit of general government sector
- Deposit of non-financial sektor
- Deposit redeemable at notice
- Deposit with agreed maturity
- Depositary
- Depreciation
- Depreciation of intangible assets
- Depreciation of research equipment
- Deputies circle
- Deputies club
- Derivatives
- Derived energy
- Derived energy commodities
- Descriptive statistics
- Desktop
- Destimulant
- Destination country
- Detailed series
- Detoxification centres
- Devastated land
- Development trend
- Deviation
- Devices or equipment for environmental protection
- Devices used for cooking purposes
- Didactic-compensatory classes
- Diesel oils for high-speed engines
- Diesel oils for low- and medium-speed engines
- Digital library
- Digital modem
- Digital signature
- Digitization
- Diocesan priest
- Diocese
- Direct consumption
- Direct consumption energy commodities
- Direct control in enterprise group
- Direct insurance
- Direct investment
- Direct lease
- Disability, inability to work or invalidity
- Disability pension
- Disabled person
- Disabled person with legal confirmation
- Discharged patients
- Dismissed by virtue of mutual agreement
- Dismissed by way of notice of termination from the employer– for the reasonsirrespective of the employee
- Dismissed due to the termination of the period they were employed for
- Dispatch
- Dispensary
- Dispersed capital
- Dispersion measure
- Disposable income
- Disposable income, gross
- Disposal of cleaning facilities
- Disposed waste
- Distance from the border crossing to the place of purchase
- Distance from the border crossing to the place of residence
- Distance learning
- Distance travelled by road
- Distribution network of units in investment funds
- Distribution of imports
- Distribution thermic-line
- District court
- District heat
- District sports association
- Dividend
- Dividends and shares in profits
- Divorce
- Divorce rate
- Divorces of marriages with children
- Doctor
- Doctoral degree
- Doctoral dissertation
- Doctoral programmes
- Doctoral scholarship
- Doctoral school
- Doctoral student
- Document management system
- Documentation site
- Domestic demand
- Domestic extraction
- Domestic (national) enterprise group
- Domestic revenue of the state budget
- Domestic tourism
- Domestic trip
- Domestic wastewater
- Dominant
- Donation
- Dormitory
- Dormitory resident
- Doss-house/ Night shelter
- Drainage area
- Drainage basin
- Drainage of forest land
- Drive time to the event site
- Droit de suite fees
- Drowned
- Drowning
- Dry bulk carrier
- Dry bulk goods
- Dry cargo ship
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- Dubbing
- Ducks
- Durable non-foodstuffs goods
- Duration of employment search by LFS
- Duration of the stay
- Dust collecting units
- Dwelling
- Dwelling equiped with flushable toilet
- Dwelling fitted with a bathroom
- Dwelling fitted with central heating
- Dwelling fitted with gas from gas supply system
- Dwelling fitted with running hot water
- Dwelling fitted with running hot water supplied from heat and power plant, local boiler house
- Dwelling fitted with (sanitary and technical) installations
- Dwelling fitted with sewage system
- Dwelling fitted with water supply system
- Dwelling owned by the State Treasury
- Dwelling stocks
- Dwellings completed
- Dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project
- Dwellings in which construction has begun
- Dwellings owned by a gmina
- Dwellings owned by companies
- Dwellings owned by housing cooperatives
- Dwellings owned by natural persons
- Dwellings owned by other entities
- Dwellings owned by public building societies
- e - health
- Early childhood development support
- Early leavers from education and training aged 18-24 (LFS indicator)
- Earmarked allowance
- Earned Premium
- e-banking
- e-business
- Ecological area
- Ecological funds
- e-commerce
- Economic activity by Census 2021
- Economic activity by LFS
- Economic court
- Economic forecast
- Economic situation
- Economically active population by Census 2021
- Economically active population by LFS
- Economically inactive persons previously in employment by LFS
- Economically inactive population according to the LFS
- Economically inactive population by Census 2021
- Economicaly active population
- Education - agricultural basic school
- Education - agricultural high school
- Education - agricultural vocational post-secondary school
- Education - agricultural vocational secondary school
- Eductional institutions
- e-economy
- Efficiency of cleaning equipment
- E-fuel
- Eggs balance sheet
- e-government
- Elderly persons
- E-learning
- Election Committee
- Elective office
- Electrical appliances and electronic devices
- Electricity
- Electricity gross generation
- Electricity net generation
- Electricity produced from cogeneration
- Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language
- Electronic components
- Electronic data exchange
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
- Electronic documents on a physical carrier
- Electronic invoicing
- Electronic procurement system
- Electronic publishing
- Electronic registry inbox
- Electronic transmission of data between enterprises
- Electrostatic dust precipitators (ESP)
- Emergency medical services
- Emergency Medical Technician(Paramedic)
- Emigrant by Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
- Emigrants
- Emigration
- Emigration(by Regulation (EC) No 862/2007)
- Emission of air pollutants
- Empirical distribution function
- Employed disabled persons
- Employed foreigners
- Employed persons by Census 2021
- Employed persons by LFS
- Employed persons in the national economy
- Employed retirees and pensioners
- Employee by LFS
- Employee pension program
- Employee's gross salary
- Employees exposed to risk factors
- Employees in intervention and public work
- Employees on strike
- Employees rendered (employed) by a temporary employment agency
- Employer by LFS
- Employment agency
- Employment as defined by ESA2010
- Employment Council
- Employment rate by Census 2021
- Employment rate by LFS
- End-of-pipe equipment
- Energy commodity
- Energy consumption
- Energy crops
- Energy efficiency audit
- Energy efficiency index (ODEX)
- Energy intensity of branches
- Energy intensity of cement production
- Energy intensity of paper production
- Energy intensity of steel production
- Energy output
- Energy powerty
- Energy returns
- Energy transformation
- Energy transformation consumption
- Energy transformations output
- Engine power
- Engineering and technical employee
- Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution
- Enrollment rate
- Enterprise
- Enterprise by type of biotechnology activity
- Enterprise method
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Enterprise responsible for providing information for the INTRASTAT system
- Enterprise sector in the labour market and wages and salaries statistics
- Entertainment enterprise (agency)
- Entities in research and development
- Entitled to vote
- Entity awarding a doctoral degrees to doctoral school graduates
- Entity of the national economy
- Entity possessing equal rightsto non-governmental organisation
- Entity with a majority share of foreign capital
- Entity with foreign capital
- Environmental payments
- Environmental protection
- Equity (fund)
- Establishment ensuring 24-hour care for disabled persons, chronic patients, or elderly persons within the scope of economic activity or their statutory activity.
- Estimate of vegetables production
- Estimate of winter crops condition
- Estimated average seasonal performance factor
- Estimation
- Ethnical group
- Event participant
- Eviction
- Ewes
- Ewes used for other purposes than milk (other ewes)
- Excess
- Excess mortality rate
- Excess of mortality
- Excise duty on electric energy
- Excise tax
- Excise tax revenue
- Exclusive economic zone
- Excursion hostel
- Executable obligations
- Executive agencies costs
- Executive agencies income
- Executive agency
- Exhaust gases
- Exhibiting
- Exhibition
- Exhibits
- Existing marriage
- Expences of state appropriated fund
- Expenditure of the budget of European funds
- Expenditure on professional development, training and retraining of staff
- Expenditures of a household
- Expenditures of budgets of local government units
- Expenditures on consumer goods and services
- Expenditures on improving work safety
- Expenses abroad made by payment card
- Expenses on benefits from the alimony fund
- Expenses on family benefits
- Experimental development
- Exploitable underground water resources
- Export energy carriers
- Export factoring
- Export (wastes)
- Exports of goods and services
- Exports of goods (commodities)
- Exposition
- Expositions adapted to the needs of disabled people
- Extended family
- Extensible Markup Language
- External balance of goods and services
- External borders
- External marking
- External R&D funds
- External R&D personnel
- Extramarital birth
- Extramural expenditures on R&D
- Extranet
- Extraordinary profits and losses balance
- Extreme poverty rate
- Fabric filter
- Factor analysis
- Factor (factoring broker)
- Factor income
- Factorer
- Factoring
- Factors limiting activity
- Faculty
- Fallow land
- False alarm
- Family allotment garden
- Family assistant
- Family benefits
- Family Centre
- Family foster care coordinator
- family labour force
- Family nucleus
- Family pension
- Family-based assistance house
- Farm work
- Farming year
- Fast factoring
- Fatal accident at work
- Federation
- Feeding
- Fees
- Felling sites
- Felony
- Female fertility
- Feminisation rate
- Ferry
- Ferry crossings
- Fertile arable land
- Fertilisers
- Festival
- Field of study
- File Transfer Protocol
- Film
- Film discussion club
- Final consumption expenditure
- Final consumption of energy commodities
- Final energy intensity of GDP
- Final non-energy consumption
- Final owner of the capital
- Financial assets
- Financial costs
- Financial institution
- Financial instrument
- Financial leasing
- Financial parts of the fixed capital
- Financial result from other operating activity
- Financial result from the sale of products, goods and materials
- Financial result of banks
- Financial result of budgetary management institution
- Financial result of executive agencies
- Financial revenues
- Financial situation
- Financial sureties and guarantees from the local government units
- Finished products
- Fire
- Firewall
- First Aid
- First marriage
- First marriage rate
- First quartile
- First-cycle programmes
- Fiscal offence
- Fiscal petty offence
- Fischer's aggregate quantity index
- Fishing ship
- Fixed assets
- Fixed assets under construction
- Fixed connection
- Fixed-line Internet
- Flood
- Floorarea of dwelling fitted with central heating
- Flow rate
- Fodder crops
- Fodder for livestock
- Foreign capital
- Foreign credit
- Foreign debt
- Foreign entity
- Foreign entrepreneur
- Foreign establishment
- Foreign loan granted
- Foreign patent application
- Foreign revenue
- Foreign tourists in tourist accommodation establishments.
- Foreign trade goods turnover
- Foreigners
- Forest berries
- Forest breeding
- Forest cover (forest cover indicator)
- Forest fire
- Forest fruit
- Forest land
- Forest landdesignated for non-forest purposes
- Forest mushrooms
- Forest taxation
- Forest utilization
- Forestry
- Forests area
- Forklift truck
- Form of education
- Form of ownership
- Formal education
- Forms of nature protection
- Foster care
- Foster family
- Foster home
- Founder and supervisor body
- Freight/mail loaded and unloaded at airports
- Freight/mail tonne-kilometres by air
- Freight/mail transport by air
- Frequency of border crossing
- Fresh cow's milk balance sheet
- Fresh frozen plasma
- Fuel combustion installations
- Fuel oil
- Fuel substitution
- Fuelwood
- Full load of geothermal installation
- Full maintenance
- Full-length film
- Full-time compulsory education
- Full-time employed persons by LFS
- Full-time employees
- Full-time equivalent
- Full-time equivalents (FTE)
- Full-time programmes
- Full-time workers - persons employed on limited duration contracts
- Functional dependence
- Fund's rate of return
- Future contract
- Game species
- Games console
- Gantry crane
- Gas distribution network
- Gas network
- Gas pollutants
- Gas recipient
- Gas sale
- Gas supply connection
- Gas transmission network
- Gas user
- Gas users under the contract
- Gas users without a contract
- Gasoline type jet fuel
- Geese
- Gender pay gap
- General and administrative costs
- General aviation
- General business climate indicator
- General cargo
- General cargo (non-specialized)
- General cargo ship
- General government debt
- General government expenditure
- General government revenue.
- General health
- General Packet Radio Service
- General pension society (pension society)
- general population
- General provisions
- General secondary school
- General secondary school for adults
- General Terms and Conditions of Insurance
- Generalfertility rate
- Generally available pharmacy
- Generating capacity of installation
- Generation
- Generation of income account
- Genetically modified organism
- Geodesic Area of the Country
- Geodesic precinct
- Geographic grid
- Geometric mean
- Geospatial data
- Geostatistics
- Geothermal heat
- Gini coefficient
- Glasshouse
- Global agricultural output
- Global consumption or exchange balance of energy commodities
- Global System for Mobile Communications
- Gmina
- Gmina referendums
- GMO product
- Goats
- Good meadows
- Goods and passenger transport revenues
- Goods purchased for resale and consumed by the company for own needs or handed over to employees
- Goodwill
- GOPR interventions and rescue operations
- GOPR rescue expeditions
- GOPR rescuers
- Grade
- Graduate
- Grants andsubsidies allowances, and payments in expenditure on fixed assets
- Gratuities
- Green area of the housing estate
- Green areas
- Greenhouse gases
- Grievous bodily harm
- Gross agricultural output
- Gross animal output
- Gross Capital Formation
- Gross claims paid
- Gross crop output
- Gross disposable income in households sector
- Gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD)
- Gross domestic product
- Gross earned premium
- Gross earnings
- Gross electricity production (balance)
- Gross enrollment rate
- Gross financial result
- Gross fixed capital formation
- Gross heat production (balance)
- Gross income of the owner
- Gross inland consumption
- Gross loss
- Gross National Income
- Gross primary income in households sector
- Gross profit
- Gross provision for unexpired risks
- Gross reproduction rate
- Gross sales profitability indicator
- Gross tonnage (GT)
- Gross transformation efficiency
- Gross turnover profitability indicator
- Gross value added of agricultural output
- Gross value of fixed assets
- Gross value of liquidated fixed assets
- Gross value of research equipment
- Gross vehicle weight (Legally permissible maximum weight)
- Gross wages and salaries of the employed abroad
- Gross written premium
- Ground water
- Group in cultural institution
- Group insurance
- Group of sensitive goods and services
- Growing stock of standing wood
- Growth rate of population
- Guarantee fund
- Handheld computer (palmtop)
- Hard coal
- Hard coal briquettes
- Hardware random number generator
- Harmonic analysis (Fourier)
- Harmonic mean
- Harmonised index of consumer prices at constant tax rates (HICP-CT)
- Harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP)
- Harmonized unemployment rate
- Harvested area of cereals
- Harvested area of edible pulses
- Hatchery
- Hatchery productivity
- Hazardous waste
- Head of Private Household
- Head office
- Health
- Health establishment
- Health resort area
- Health resort facility
- Health resort hospital
- Health resort hospital in underground mining excavation
- Health resort outpatient unit
- Health resort sanatoria
- Health resort sanatoria in underground mining excavation
- Health resort treatment
- Healthy life expectancy for people aged x years (HLYx)
- Heap
- Heat
- Heat from chemical processes
- Heat from renewable fuels
- Heat generation
- Heat pump
- Heat sales/consumption
- Heating
- Heating an apartment without a contract
- Heating apartment under the contract
- Heating connection
- Heating network
- Heat-only boilers
- Height
- Height of accumulation
- Hen eggs production
- Hens and cocks for slaughter
- Hens eggs for consumption
- Hens eggs for hatching
- High bit rate DSL
- High Costs, Low Income
- High technology
- Higher education institution
- Higher education student
- High-skill jobs
- High-speed railway line
- Hired persons
- Hiredpersons previously in employment
- Histogram
- Holdings applying organic farming production methods
- Holiday centre
- Holiday dwellings
- Holiday, leave - time not worked
- Holiday youth center
- Home abuse
- Home language
- Homeless
- Homeless beneficiary of social assistance at domicile
- Honey production
- Horses
- Horticultural production
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Hospital emergency ward
- Hostel
- Hostel for homeless persons
- Hot water from district heating installation
- Hotel
- Hotel establishment
- Hotel services
- House
- House for mothers with children under age and pregnant women
- Household equipment
- Household expenditures on environmental protection
- Household living on unearned sources
- Household of employees
- Household of farmers
- Household of pensioners
- Household of retirees
- Household projection
- Household sewage treatment plant
- Household's available income
- Household's budget
- Households awaiting the rental of premises from a gmina
- Households benefiting from social assistance at domicile
- Households of the self-employed
- Housing allowance
- Housing conditons
- Housing condominium
- Human Resources for Science and Technology (HRST)
- Human Rights Defender
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen from emission sources
- Hydrogen from low-emission sources
- Hypermarket
- ICT Products
- ICT Sector
- ICT Security
- ICT specialist
- Identifiable microdata
- Identification number REGON
- Illegal activity
- Illegal dumping site
- Illness or affliction
- Immigrantby Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
- Immigrants
- Immigration
- Immigration byRegulation (EC) No 862/2007
- Impersonal wages and salaries
- Implementation work
- Import energy carriers
- Import factoring
- Import (wastes)
- Imports of goods and services
- Imports of goods (commodities)
- Improved lands
- Improved traditional technology
- Inadequate thermal comfort
- Inbound tourism
- Incidence
- Incidence (new cases)
- Incidence rate
- Incineriation
- Income criterion for peopleapplying for social assistance
- Income of insurance companies
- Income tax
- Incomplete family
- Increase in the gross value of fixed assets not relating to construction, purchase, improvement
- Incubator for newborn
- Independent residential apartment
- Independent variable
- Index
- Index of agricultural production
- Index of magnitude relations
- Index of price relations of sold agricultural products and price indices of goods and services purchased by private farms
- Index of services production (ISP)
- Index of similarity of structure
- Index participation
- Indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD
- Indicator of energy commodities consumption
- Indicator of structure
- Indicator ofprimary energy
- Indicatorof the extent of using social assistance
- Indigenous production of energy commodities
- Indirect lease
- Indirect subsidiary
- Indirect taxes in the revenue of state budget
- Individual action plan
- Individual indices
- Individual insurance
- Indoor cinema
- Industrial crops
- Industrial services
- Industrial wastes
- Industrial wastewater
- Inequality of income distribution S80/S20 (income quintile share ratio)
- Inerest from loans and term deposit – interest income
- Infant
- Infant deaths
- Infant mortality rate
- Infection
- Infectious disease
- Inflow
- Inflow to unemployment in reporting period
- Informal learning
- Informal sector activity
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Information society
- Information systems of public administration
- Information Technologies (IT)
- Infrastructure
- Inhabited dwelling
- Inland waterway passenger vessel
- Inland waterways
- Inland waterways transport fleet
- Inland waterways transport of goods
- Inland waterways transport of passengers
- Innovation
- Innovation active enterprise
- Innovation activities
- Innovation co-operation
- Innovation expenditure
- Innovation with environmental benefits
- Innovative enterprise
- In-patient
- In-patient (excluding inter-ward patient transfer)
- Inpatient Health Care
- Inpatient rehabilitation facility
- Inpatients with inter-wards transfers
- Insolation
- Installations not connected to the network ("off-grid")
- Installed capacity
- Installed capacity of heat pump
- Institution related to museum
- Institutional sector
- Institutional unit
- Institutions of labor market
- Instructor of amateur artistic activity
- Insurance agent
- Insurance branches
- Insurance broker
- Insurance business
- Insurance intermediator
- Insurance policy
- Insurance undertaking
- Intangible fixed assets
- Integration sections
- Integrational benefit
- Intellectual property
- Intensity indicator
- Intentional homicide
- Intercept term
- Interest
- Interest payable
- Intermediate consumption
- Intermediate parent unit
- Intermodal terminal
- Intermodal transport
- Intermodal transport unit
- Internal borders
- Internal migration
- Internal R&D funds
- Internal R&D personnel
- internal tourism
- Internal turnover
- International Accounting Standard
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- International inland waterways transport of goods
- International marine bunkers
- International migration
- International sea cargo traffic
- International trade in services
- International transport of goods
- International transport of goods by rail
- International transport of goods by road
- International transport of passengers
- Internet
- Internet of Things
- Interschool group
- Interval of sampling
- Interval scale
- Intervention Centre
- Intervention works
- Intervoivodeship migration
- Intramural expenditures on R&D
- Intranet
- Invention
- Inventory collections
- Inventory of forest condition
- Inventory unit
- Investment certificate
- Investment charges
- Investment fund
- Investment fund company
- Investment limits of Open Pension Fund
- Investment outlays
- Investment outlays from import
- Investment outlays on new capital asset items and improvement of existing ones
- Investment outlays on purchasing of second-hand fixed assets
- Investment portfolio of Open Pension Funds
- Investment tasks
- Investments on environmental protection
- Investments on water management
- Investor
- Irregularly stocked open stand
- Irrigated area of agricultural land
- Irrigation
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- Issuer
- IT equipment
- Labor disputes
- Labour cost index
- Labour costs
- Labour court
- Labour productivity in industry
- Lambs
- Land associated with forest management
- Land filled waste
- Land of gminas and intergmina associations or metropolitan associations
- Land of powiats and powiat associations
- Land of voivodships
- Land property
- Land surface protection
- Land under waters
- Landfill degassing
- Landfill site
- Landscape park
- Landscape protection
- Laptop
- Large block technology
- Large container
- Large Family Card
- Large heads index (PL)
- Large panel technology
- Large sample
- Large-size timber wood
- Late foetal death rate
- Lawn
- Laws
- Lay judges
- Layer II planting
- Laying-hens for the production of eggs for consumption
- Laying-hens for the production of eggs for hatching
- Leading consumer confidence indicator
- Leased Line
- Leased line type E1
- Leaseholder, lessee
- Leaser, lessor
- Leasing
- Least squares method
- Lectureship
- Left-handed asymmetry (negative)
- Legal Counsel
- Legal form
- Legal person
- Legal poverty rate
- Legislative initiative
- Legislative Resolution
- Length of bus regular traffic lines
- Length of PTTK tourist trails
- Length of railway lines operated
- Length of the urban transport lines
- Length-of-service allowance
- Lessons in the art galleries
- Letter mail
- Letter of charge
- Level of disability
- Liabilities and provisions for liabilities
- Liabilities from deliveries and services
- Liability
- Library
- Library collections
- Library service point
- Library user (user actively borrowing items)
- Library visits
- Library's program
- Licence for transport by road
- Licences
- Licensed electronic collections
- Life expectancy at age x
- Life expectancy (e0)
- Life imprisonment
- Life insurance
- Life tables
- Lifelong learning
- Lifetime fertility
- Light heating oils
- Lime fertilizers
- Limitation in activities
- Linear elements of landscape
- Linear regression
- Linear trend
- Linked service
- Linux
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- Liquid bulk goods (non - unitised)
- Liquid manure
- Liquid waste
- Liquidated jobs
- Live birth
- Live birth legitimate
- Live weight
- Liveborn baby
- Livestock
- Livestock density
- Livestock output
- Livestock unit (LSU)
- Load capacity
- Load capacity of inland waterways barges
- Loan
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Local auxiliary entity
- Local border traffic
- Local government
- Local government own revenue
- Local governmentbudgetary establishment
- Local initiative
- Local partnership
- Local production entity
- Local spatial management plan
- Local threat
- Local unit
- Locality
- Log
- Lombard rate of the National Bank of Poland
- Long trip
- Long-cycle programmes
- Longstanding health problems
- Long-term credits and loans
- Long-term dues
- Long-term financial assets abroad
- Long-term investments
- Long-term liabilities
- Long-term migration
- Long-term prepayments and accruals
- Long-term unemployed persons by LFS
- Long-term unemployment rate by LFS
- Loos
- Lorry
- Loss of a tree/bush in the green area
- Losses and statistical difference energy commodities
- Losses from water supply network
- Losses in stored potatoes
- Losses in trade commodities not included in changes in inventories
- Losses in winter crops
- Lower secondary school
- Lowered housing conditions
- Magazine
- Main activity producer CHP
- Main activity producer electricity only
- Main activity producer heat only
- Main and additional job by LFS
- Main contractor
- Main job according to: Population and Housing Census 2002, National Census of Population and Housing 2011
- Main Market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
- Main pipelines for crude oil and petroleum products
- Main purpose of the trip
- Main purpose of visit
- Main reason for unmet need for medical/dental examination or treatment
- Main source of maintenance of the person
- Mainstream section
- Maintenance grant
- Major overhauls
- Management of land
- Manager of agricultural holding
- Manufactured production
- Manuscript
- Marginal distribution of the correlation table
- Marine internal waters
- Marital birth
- Marital status
- Maritime dry cargo barge
- Maritime transport fleet
- Maritime transport in passenger - kilometers
- Market output
- Market output and output for own final use
- Marketplace
- Marketplace fee
- Marketplace prices
- Marriage
- Marriage rate
- Mass event
- Mass phenomenon
- Mated Sows
- Material agent associated with the contact-mode of injury
- Material agent associated with the deviation
- Material agent associated with the specific physical activity performed by the victim at the time of the accident
- Material deprivation
- Materials
- Materials management
- Maternity benefit
- Maturity factoring
- Maximum electrical capacity of thermal plants
- Maximum estimate error
- Maximum heat capacity of combined heat and power plants or district heating plants
- Maximum level of accumulation
- Mean age (Average age)
- Measure of concentration
- Measurement
- Measurement and regulation equipment
- Measurement scale
- Measures of asymmetry
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of correlation
- Mechanical ventilation
- Mechanical wastewater treatment plant
- Mechanically purified wastewater
- Medal place
- Median
- Median age
- Median age at the moment of divorce adjudication
- Median age at the moment of filling petition
- Median age of bridegrooms and brides
- Median age of childbirth
- Median of prices per 1 m2 of residential premises sold in market transactions
- Medical certificates issued
- Medical employee
- Medical facility
- Medical practice
- Medical profession
- Medical workers licensed to practice
- Medium fertile arable land
- Medium-period tempo of change
- Medium-size timber wood
- Member of Parliament
- Member of physical education organization
- Member of sports club
- Members of agricultural production co-operatives
- Members of artistic groups
- Members of groups (clubs/ sections)
- Members of non-profit organizations
- Members of PTTK
- Members of the district boards of Warsaw
- Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Members ofthe board of county
- Metallic secondary raw materials
- Metallic wastes suitable for recycling
- Meteorological stations
- Metro-Ethernet
- Metrology
- Metropolis
- Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Microdata
- Microform
- Micro-installation
- Midwife
- Migration
- Migration for permanent residence
- Migration for temporary stay
- Milk ewes (used for milk production purposes)
- Milk yield - Cows' milk quantity
- Mineral fertilizers
- Minimal sample size
- Minimum desired rate of return
- Mining grounds
- Minor (under age)
- Minority interests
- Misdemeanour
- Mission-related activity
- Mixed cereals (excluded pulses)
- Mixed factoring
- Mixed Funds
- MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
- Mobile age
- Mobile connection to the Internet
- Mobile device
- Mobile telephone subscriber
- Mobilecinema
- Mode of transport
- Modeled disability prevalence [%]
- Monetary financial institutions
- Money Market
- Money market fund
- Money supply
- Monolithic technology
- Moped
- Morbidity
- Mortgage
- Mortgage bank
- Mortgage bond
- Mortgage credit
- Motel
- Mother tongue
- Motorcycle
- Mountain rescuers
- Moving average method
- Multicyclones
- Multi-day trip
- Multimedia services of library
- Multimodal transport
- Multinational enterprise group
- Multi-stage sewage treatment
- Municipal and rural sewage wastewater treatment plant
- Municipal bonds
- Municipal construction
- Municipal infrastructure
- Municipal sewage sludge
- Municipal waste
- Municipal waste collected from households
- Municipal waste collected separately
- Municipal wastewater
- Municipal wastewater treatment plants
- Municipality property reserves
- Museum
- Museum branch
- Museum deposit
- Museum lesson
- Music institution
- Mutual insurance society
- mWIG40
- Nanny
- Nanotechnology
- Narrowband connection
- National and ethnic minorities
- National park
- National procedure
- National tourism
- Nationality
- Nationwide television program
- Natura 2000
- Natural and scenic complex
- Natural disaster
- Natural fertilizers
- Natural gas
- Natural healing centres
- Natural healing service
- Natural increase
- Natural increase rate
- Natural losses (wastes)
- Natural person conducting economic activity
- Natural renewals of forests
- Natural succession
- Nature monument
- Nature reserve
- Negative correlation
- Neighbourly assistance
- Neo - natal mortality
- Neonate
- Neostrada
- Net agricultural market output
- Net assets
- Net Calorific Value
- Net disposable income in the household sector
- Net domestic assets
- Net enrollment rate
- Net final agricultural output
- Net financial result
- Net foreign assets
- Net household's outgoings
- Net household's receipts
- Net internal migration
- Net international migration
- Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-)
- Net loss
- Net mass
- Net migration for permanent residence
- Net migration per 1000 population
- Net operating expenses
- Net profit
- Net reproduction rate
- Net revenues from sale of products, goods and materials
- Net revenues from sales of products for export
- Net sales profitability indicator
- Net social contributions
- Net tonnage (NT)
- Net transformation efficiency
- Net turnover in industry by kind of activity unit (KAU)
- Net turnover profitability indicator
- Net value of fixed assets
- Neutralisation of gas pollutants
- New media
- New ordersin industry
- NewConnect market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
- Newly created jobs
- Newly started investments - estimated value
- Newly started investments - the number of newly started
- Newsletter
- Newspaper
- Neyman allocation
- Night spent
- Nights spent (overnight stays) in tourist accommodation establishments.
- Noise prevention and protection
- Nominal number of bed places
- Nominal number of rooms
- Nominal scale
- Nominal value liability due which stem from guaranty
- Nominal value liability non-due which stem from guaranty
- Nominant
- Non random sampling
- Non recourse (traditional) factoring
- Non-attached deputy
- Non-attached Senator
- Non-commercial institutions acting for households.
- Non-consumer goods
- Non-degree postgraduate programmes
- Non-domestic new orders in industry
- Non-dwelling inhabited space
- Non-energy products
- Non-energy use
- Non-family labour employed on a non-regular basis
- Non-family labour regularly employed
- Non-forestlands destinated for afforestation
- Non-formal education
- Non-governmental organisation
- Non-life insurance
- Non-metallic secondary raw materials
- Non-metallic wastes suitable for recycling
- Non-mobility age
- Non-monetary financial institutions
- Non-notified (confidential) factoring
- Non-observed economy
- Non-profit sector
- Non-refundable foreign funds
- Non-renewable municipal solid wastes
- Non-residential building
- Non-residential building completed
- Non-residents - International trade in services
- Non-response
- Non-tax budgetary revenue
- Non-wooded land
- Non-working age
- Notarial deed
- Notary
- Notified factoring
- Number deceased (dx)
- Number of survivors (lx)
- Number of transactions per session
- Number of years spent in paid work
- Numerical map
- Nurse
- Nurse of emergency medical services
- Nursery, children's club
- Nursery school
- Nursery ward
- Nursing homes
- NUTS 1
- NUTS 2
- NUTS 3
- Objects of small retention of water
- Obligations amortisedby self-government units
- Obligatory encumbrances on gross financial result
- Occupancy rate of bed places in tourist accommodation establishments
- Occupancy rate of bed places or rooms
- Occupancy rate of rooms in hotel facilities
- Occupation (ISCO-08 (COM))
- Occupational disease
- Occupational medicine
- Occupational medicine service organizational units
- Occupational risk assessment
- Occupied jobs
- Official registers
- Official reserve assets
- Official statistics
- Offshore activities ship
- Oil and petroleum products
- Old age dependency ratio
- Olympic Games
- One-year compulsory pre-school preparation
- On-line ordering
- On-line payment
- Online training
- Open all year tourist accommodation establishment.
- Open data
- Open gas connections
- Open gas connections to residential buildings
- Open pension fund
- Open Pension Fund member
- Open source operating systems
- Open-air exhibition in the galleries
- Operating activity
- Operating activity of bank
- Operating costs
- Operating surplus, gross/Mixed income, gross
- Operating system
- Operational leasing
- Operational Programme
- Operator of public transport
- Optical fiber cable
- Option
- Orchards
- Orchestra ( 1/ symphonic, 2/ chamber)
- Order books
- Ordered rank
- Ordinal scale
- Organic recycling
- Organisation of physical education
- Organisational unit without legal personality
- Organisational units of public blood service
- Organisational units of the Prosecutors Office
- Organization of the unit
- Organized emission
- Organized trading of financial instruments
- Organizer of public transport
- Orginalmaturity
- Original OECD equivalence scale
- Ostriches
- Other accounts payable
- Other accounts receivable
- Other animals for fur (Females)
- Other animals for slaughter
- Other costs of economic activity
- Other employees
- Other equity
- Other expenditures of household
- Other gainful activities (non-farm work on the holding and work outside the holding)
- Other gainful activity directly related to holding
- Other gainful activity directly related to the agricultural holding
- Other hired persons
- Other hotel facility
- Other household's income
- Other kerosenes
- Other long-term financial assets
- Other obligatory reduction in profit (loss increase)
- Other operating costs
- Other operating revenues
- Other outlays
- Other paid work
- Other person running sports classes
- Other poultry
- Other registered motor vehicle
- Other reserve capital (fund)
- Other short-term liabilities
- Other short-term receivables
- Other sows
- Other supporting staff
- Other taxes on production
- Other technologies
- Other tourist accommodation establishment
- Otheroutlays related to the construction offixed asset, which after completion will not constitute an asset
- Outbound tourism
- Outbound trip
- Outflow
- Outflow from unemployment in reporting period
- Outlays incurred on construction of new residential buildings completed
- Outlays on intangible fixed assets
- Outlet
- Out-of-library loan
- Out-of-school education establishment
- Out-patient health care services
- Outplacement (monitored redundancies)
- Output
- Output for own final use
- Outside services
- Outsider workers
- Outward / inward processing
- Outward reinsurance
- Outwork
- Outworkers
- Overdue long-term liabilities
- Overdue short-term liabilities
- Overdue short-term receivables
- Overnight deposit
- Over-The-Counter Market (OTC)
- Overtime
- Own artistic team
- Own collections
- Own consumption in transformation process
- Own publication
- Own revenue of local government units derived from a share in revenue from income taxes
- Own shares
- Owner-occupied housing price index (OOH price index)
- Paid employee
- Paid employees
- Paid mission-related activity
- Palliative and hospice care
- Paralympic Games
- Parameters of the linear regression equation
- Parent unit
- Parish
- Parking "Park and Ride"
- Partial maintenance
- Participant in special interest groups in an out-of-school educational establishment
- Participants of PTTK trips in mass tourism
- Participants of qualified tourism trips organized by PTTK
- Participants of trips organized by the Polish Tourism and Sightseeing Society
- Participation in education and training (by LFS)
- Participation in violation or assault
- Participation rate in education and training aged 25-64 (LFS indicator)
- Participation rate of adults aged 25-64 in education and training during 12 months (LFS indicator)
- Participation unit
- Particulates pollutants
- Partnership
- Part-time compulsory education
- Part-time employed persons by LFS
- Part-time employees
- Part-time programmes
- Part-time workers – employed on limited duration contracts
- Passenger car
- Passenger carrying capacity
- Passenger load factor
- Passenger rail halt
- Passenger ship
- Passenger station
- Passenger traffic at airports
- Passenger traffic at sea ports
- Passenger transport by air
- Passenger-kilometres
- Passenger-kilometres by air
- Passenger-kilometres by rail
- Passenger-kilometres by road transport
- Passenger-kilometresby inland waterways
- Pasture season
- Patent application
- Patents granted
- Patientin health resort
- Patients of day care
- Pattern copy
- Pay down-time
- Payments for non-market output
- Payments from profit for distribution or balance surpluses
- Payments of annual extra wages and salaries for employees of budgetary sphere entities
- PCT procedure
- Peak
- Pearson linear correlation coefficient
- Pearson's coefficient of skewness
- Pearson's contingency coefficient
- Peat
- Penitentiary staff
- Pension and retirement fund expenditures
- Pension and retirement fund income
- Pension fund
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (union of the three sub-indicators)
- People living in households with very low work intensity
- Percentage of first marriages
- Percentage of healthy life expectancy [%]
- Percentage of legitimate live births
- Percentage of live births
- Percentage of stillbirths
- Percentage of the illegitimate live births
- Percentile
- Perennial plants used for energy production
- Performance
- Performance hall
- Perinatal mortality
- Perinatal mortality rate
- Period of action
- Period of the unit's activity
- Periodic fluctuations (seasonal)
- Periodic medical examinations
- Periodically paid bonuses for achievements in performing basic tasks
- Permanent administration
- Permanent allowance
- Permanent catering establishment
- Permanent exhibitions
- Permanent grassland
- Permanent marketplace
- Permanent meadow
- Permanent pasture
- Permissible emission
- Perpetual usufruct
- Person has ever worked
- Person injured
- Person killed
- Person of Polish origin
- Person permanently benefiting from social assistance.
- Person practising sport
- Personal border traffic
- Personal Income Tax
- Personal wages and salaries
- Personal wages and salaries for overtime work
- Personalised content in the website for regular/repeated visitors
- Persons aged 18-59 living in jobless households (LFS indicator)
- Persons (apprentices) employed on the basis of labour contracts for the purpose of vocational training
- Persons available to work but not seeking (LFS indicator)
- Persons employed abroad
- Persons injured in accidents at work
- Persons per days in the facility
- Persons registered in tuberculosis and lung diseases out-patient clinics
- Persons seeking work but not immediately available (LFS indicator)
- Persons starting work for the first time
- Persons using social and professional reintegration services
- Persons who returned from child-care leaves
- Persons who were granted child-care leaves
- Persons with whom order-agreements were concluded
- Persons with whoma contract for a specific task was concluded
- Persons working during night time
- Petition
- Petrol station
- Pharmaceutical outlet
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy
- Philharmonic
- Physical random number generators
- Physician of emergency medical services
- Piggyback transport
- Piglets
- Pigs
- Pigs with a live weight of 50 kg and higher for fattening
- Pipeline transport
- Place in a boarding school
- Place in a dormitory
- Place in an educational centre
- Place of residence
- Place order to a library
- Places of occupational activation
- Placing GMOproduct on the market
- Plan of forest managment
- Plant, animal and fungi species protection
- Plant protection products
- Planting of tree/bush ingreen area
- Plastic tunnel
- Pocket money
- Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau
- Polish patent application
- Polish representative
- Pollutants loads in generated wastewater
- Pollutants loads in wastewater discharged to receiver
- Pollutants loads in wastewater discharged to wastewater treatment plant
- Pollutants stored or neutralised in cleaning facilities
- Polonia organization
- Polonia (Polish community)
- Popular publication
- Population
- Population balance by marital status
- Population Balance/Residents Balance
- Population by LFS
- Population connected to wastewater treatment plants
- Population connected to water supply system
- Population equivalent (P.E.)
- Population projection
- Population registered for temporary stay above 3 months
- Population size
- Population structure
- Population using gas supply system
- Population using sewage system
- Portfolio investment
- Position measure
- Positive correlation
- Post neonatal mortality
- Post office
- Postal boxes
- Postal operator
- Postal parcel
- Postal transfer paid
- Post-consumption scrap
- Post-primary school
- Post-production scrap
- Post-secondary school
- Post-slaughter cooled weight
- Post-slaughter warm weight
- Post-working age
- Potatoes balance sheet
- Potential years of life lost (PYLL)
- Poultry - hens, cocks and broilers (fowls)
- Poultry - total
- Poviat centre for family support
- Powiat
- Powiat council
- Powiat referendums
- Practice of occupational medicine doctors
- Pre-adoptive intervention centre
- Precipitation water
- Pre-employment, periodic, control medical examinations
- Pre-emptive right
- Preferred loan
- Premiere
- Premises
- Prepaid, accrued and deferred items
- Preparatory proceeding
- Pre-primary education
- Pre-primary establishments
- Pre-retirement allowances and benefits
- Pre-treated wastewater
- Prevention of electromagnetic fields
- Preventive maintenance
- Preventive vaccination
- Pre-working age
- Price
- Price index
- Price index of agricultural output
- Price index of construction and assembly production
- Price index of consumer goods and services
- Price index of sold production of industry
- Price indices of agricultural products received by farmers on marketplaces
- Price indices of imports and exports
- Price indices of residential premises
- Price indices of transport, storage and telecommunications
- Price relations in agriculture
- Price survey region
- Prices of arable land in private turnover
- Prices of consumer goods and services
- Prices of non-consumer goods and services
- Priest
- Primary energy
- Primary energy commodities
- Primary energy intensity of GDP
- Primary health care
- Primary income
- Primary real estate market
- Primary school
- Primary school for adults
- Principal
- Principal expenses (capital instalment and interest payed to banks and non-financial enterpises)
- Principal kind of activity
- Printed publishing
- Prison Jail
- Prisoner
- Private construction
- Private farm
- Private forests
- Private household
- Private household by LFS
- Private sector
- Probability of dying
- Process scrap
- Procurement of agricultural products
- Procurement of forest products
- Procurement price indices of agricultural products
- Procurement prices
- Producer price indices for business services
- Producer's price
- Product innovation
- Production
- Production account
- Production area of forest nurseries
- Production in industry by kind of activity unit (KAU)
- Production indices in physical terms
- Production of animals for slaughter
- Production of animals for slaughter - calves
- Production of animals for slaughter - other cattle
- Production of animals for slaughter - pigs
- Production of capital goods
- Production of copies of film
- Production of durable consumer goods
- Production of films and recordings of videos
- Production of goods related to energy
- Production of intermediate goods
- Production of non-durable consumer goods
- Production of services
- Production value
- Products
- Products acquired for household needs from a private farm in agriculture or self-employed economic activity
- Professional experience
- Professional practices of medical doctors, dentists, nurses or midwives
- Professor
- Projection apparatus
- Projection of births
- Projection of deaths
- Projection of internal inflow
- Projection of internal outflow
- Projection of international emigration
- Projection of international immigration
- Property
- Property expenditure
- Property income
- Prophylactic examinationin the service of occupational medicine
- Proportional allocation
- Pro-quality scholarship
- Prosecutor's office
- Protected landscape area
- Protection of nature
- Protection of water
- Protective forests
- Providing archival material
- Provision for claims outstanding
- Provision for unearned premiums
- Provision for unexpired risks
- Provisions for retirement and similar benefits
- Pseudo-random number generator
- Pseudorandom numbers
- Psychiatric hospital
- PTTK trips in mass tourism
- PTTK trips in qualified tourism
- Public benefit activity
- Public benefit organisation
- Public bike system
- Public broadcasting
- Public building society
- Public debt
- Public finance
- Public forests
- Public higher education institution
- Public library
- Public purpose investment
- Public roads
- Public sector
- Public tasks
- Public television
- Public well
- Public works
- Public-private partnership
- Publishing
- Punishable act
- Pupils/students with special educational needs
- Pupil/student
- Purchase in total
- Purchase (wastes)
- Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
- Purchasing Power Standard (PPS)
- Purposive sampling
- Rabbits
- Radio and television licence
- Radio and TV subscriber
- Radio diffusion
- Radiocommunication
- Railway accident
- Railway line
- Railway vehicle running
- R&D personnel
- Random choice of the sample
- Random error
- Random fluctuations
- Random number generator
- Random number sequence
- Random numbers
- Random sample
- Random sampling
- Range
- Ranks
- Rape
- Rate demographic of ageing
- Rate of currency
- Rate of inflow into registered unemployment
- Rate of outflow from the registered unemployment
- Rate of people exposed to risk factors at work
- Rate of strikers in units where strikes occurred
- Raw index of periodical fluctuation
- Reach stacker
- Readers' registration
- Readings
- Real estate Price Register
- Real estate transaction
- Real estate turnover
- Real estates and intangibles are considered as long-term investments
- Real retirement pay and pension index
- Reasons for not participating in trips
- Receivables from deliveries and services
- Received deposit
- Recipient
- Reclaimed area of controlled landfill sites
- Reclamation of land
- Reconciliation of the Statute / Regulations with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
- Reconstituted family
- Recording voiceover
- Recourse factoring
- Recovered & recycled products
- Recovery or disposal facility
- Recreational activity
- Recultivated (Reclamationed) waste landfill
- Recycling
- Rediscount rate of the National Bank of Poland
- Reduction in the gross value of fixed assets not relating to liquidity and sale
- Reference period
- Reference rate of the National Bank of Poland
- Refugee
- Regional accounts
- Regional care and therapy centre
- Regional chambers of audit
- Regional court
- Regional department of public television
- Regional Social Policy Centre
- Regional television program
- Registered competitor in sports association
- Registered plot
- Registered securities
- Registered unemployed persons
- Registered unemployment rate
- Regression coefficient
- Regression function
- Regulated market
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation and education centre
- Rehabilitation benefit
- Reinsurance accepted / inward reinsurance
- Reinsurance commissions and profit participation
- Reinsurer
- Related entity
- Relation of non-working to working people (LFS indicator)
- Relations between retail prices of means of production for agriculture and procurement prices of agricultural products
- Relative cumulative numbers
- Relative dispersion measures
- Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap
- Relative numbers
- Relative poverty rate
- Religious association
- Religious marriages
- Religious priest
- Reloading equipment at intermodal terminals
- Remaining maturity
- Remand prison
- Remedial section
- Remote access
- Remote work
- Removals
- Remuneration for managing the OFE's
- Remuneration for work
- Renewable energy provided by heat pump
- Renewable energy source
- Renewable heat
- Renewable lease
- Renewable Municipal Solid Wastes
- Renewals
- Rented rooms
- Repairs of seagoing merchant vessels with a gross tonnage (GT) 100 and above
- Repository
- Representative method
- Representative of goods or services
- Representative sample
- Reproductive age
- Required minimum reserve
- Required solvency margin
- Rescue action by Maritime Search and Rescue Service
- Rescue activities of mountain rescuers
- Rescue interventions and operations of mountain rescuers
- Rescue vessels belonging to Maritime Search and Rescue Service
- Research and experimental development (R&D)
- Research equipment
- Research institute
- Research programme
- Researcher
- Reserve capital from revaluation
- Reserves for liabilities
- Residential building
- Residential building completed
- Residents
- Residents - International trade in services
- Residual value
- Residues
- Resolution
- Resort codes
- Resources of surface water
- Respondent
- Restaurant
- Restructured liability
- Result of budgets of European funds
- Result of operations of investment funds
- Result on financial activity
- Retail distribution warehouse
- Retail price
- Retail sales of goods (including VAT)
- Retail sales outlets
- Retained earnings
- Retirement or disability severance pay
- Retirement pay
- Return on current assets indicator
- Return on equity indicator
- Return on total fixed assets indicator
- Revaluation of investment
- Revenue from banking activity
- Revenue of local government units
- Revenue of state appropriated fund
- Revenues from activity of social economic entities
- Revenues from business activity (turnover)
- Revenues from catering activity (including VAT)
- Revenues from environmental protection activities
- Revenues from OFE's management
- Revenues of state legal entities
- Revenues of the European funds budget
- Revitalisation
- Right Asymmetry (positive)
- Right to share
- Risks arising from mechanical factors associated with particularly dangerous machinery
- Risks arising from strenuous work
- Risks arising from work environment
- River basin
- Road accident
- Road motor vehicle registered
- Road tractor (Truck tractor)
- Road transport for hire or reward
- Road transport on own account
- Road vehicles
- Robbery
- Rolling highway
- Rolling stock
- Roll-on roll off (non-self-propelled) unit
- Room
- Room (2)
- Rooms
- Rooms completed
- Rooms for guest.
- Rooms in tourist accommodation establishments
- Ro-ro ship
- Ro-ro unit
- Ro-ro unit, self-propelled
- Router
- Rural area
- Rural population
- Sacral building
- Sale
- Sale area of shop
- Sale of alcoholic beverages
- Sale of catering production
- Sale of construction and assembly production
- Sale of construction works with a restoration character and other works
- Sale of construction works with an investment character
- Sale of food
- Sale of non-foodstuffs
- Sale-and-leaseback
- Sales of trade commodities in catering establishments
- Sales revenues (excluding VAT)
- Saline water from mine drainage and building constructions
- Saline waters managed
- Saline waters managed by pumping into geological formation
- Saline waters managed by thermal utilization.
- Saline waters menaged by recirculation
- Same-day trip
- Same-day visits
- Sample
- Sample allocation
- Sample size
- Sample space
- Sample unit
- Sampling
- Sampling frame for statistical surveys
- Sampling scheme
- Sanitary transport
- Satellite broadcasting-receiving station (ground-based)
- Saving, gross
- Saving money
- Savings archived as a result of environmental protection activities
- Scatter plot
- Scene
- Scheduled (regular) air transport aircraft
- Scholarship
- School for adults
- School music program
- School room
- School section
- School youth hostel
- School-leavers by LFS
- Scientific and technical employee
- Scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Science
- Scientific Library
- Scientific publication
- Screening
- SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Sea and freshwater fish catches
- Sea areas
- Sea passenger
- Seagoing barge
- Seagoing vessels
- Seaport
- Seaports wharves
- Seasonal catering establishment
- Seasonal marketplace
- Seasonality indicators
- Seasonally adjusted index of sale of construction and assembly production
- Seasonally adjusted index of sold production of industry
- Seasonally unadjusted index of sale of construction and assembly production in constant prices
- Seasonally un-adjustedindex of sold production of industry
- Seat of the unit
- Seating (in fixed halls in fixed cinemas)
- Seats for readers
- Secondary activity
- Secondary distribution of income account
- Secondary raw materials
- Secondary real estate market
- Second-cycle programmes
- Secondment
- Sector of monetary financial institutions
- Secure Sockets Layer
- Securities
- Securities in the primary market
- Securities in the secondary market
- Security protocol
- Sejm
- Sejm Committee
- Self-consumption (wastes)
- Self-defined current economic status
- Self-employed person by LFS
- Self-employed person without employees by LFS
- Self-employed persons including contributing family workers
- Semicontainer ship
- Semi-finished products and work in progress
- Seminar
- Semi-notified factoring
- Semi-trailer
- Senate
- Senate circle
- Senate club
- Senate Committee
- Senator
- Separation
- Separation abolished rate
- Separation rate
- Separations abolished
- Septic tank
- Series of distribution with class intervals
- Serious accident at work
- Server
- Service anniversary awards
- Services
- Settling pond
- Severely materially deprived people
- Sewage connection (1)
- Sewage network - distribution and collectors
- Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment and pre-treatment plants generated
- Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment and pre-treatment plants landfilled
- Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment and pre-treatment plants temporarily deposited
- Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment and pre-treatment plants thermally transformed
- Sewage sludge from wastewater treatment and pre-treatment plants used in agriculture
- Sewage sludge landfilled (accumulated up to now) on the plant premises/treatment plant at the landfill
- Sewage sludge used from so far landfilled (accumulated)
- Sewage system
- Sewage system installations
- Share
- Share capital (fund)
- Share of forest land in land area of the country
- Share of revenues of enterprises showing net profit in total revenues from the whole activity
- Share of sales of new or improved products in total revenues from sales
- Share ofnumber of enterprises showing net profit in total number of enterprises
- Shared records
- Shareholder
- Shares in mutual funds
- Shares of local government units from taxes comprising for state budget revenue
- Sharing the collections
- Sheep
- Sheep' milk production
- Sheep's wool production
- Shelter
- Shelter for detained juveniles
- Ship borne trailer
- Ship calling at seaports
- Ship departing from seaports
- Ship repair order book for seagoing merchant vessels with a gross tonnage (GT) 100 and above
- Ship traffic in seaports
- Shop
- Short trip
- Short-term credits and loans
- Short-term fluctuations
- Short-term investments
- Short-term liabilities
- Short-term liabilities from taxes, customs duties, social and health insurances and other public-legal titles.
- Short-term migration
- Short-term prepayments and accruals
- Short-term receivables
- Short-term receivables - resulting from taxes, subsidies, customs, social security and health insurance and of other public- legal titles
- Short-term receivables pursued in court
- Show (event)
- Sick benefit
- Sick pays
- Simple random sample
- Simple random sampling
- Simple random sampling with replacement
- Simple random sampling without replacement
- Simplified plan of forest managment
- Single-base indexes
- Single-price quotation with two auctions
- Site of Community Importance (SCI)
- Slash
- Slaughter of livestock in slaughterhouses
- Sludge lagoons
- Slurry
- Small sample
- Smoothing parameter
- SMS (Short Message Service)
- Snowball selection
- Social and professional reintegration units
- Social Assistance
- Social assistance at domicile
- Social Assistance Benefits
- Social Assistance Centre
- Social assistance house
- Social benefits
- Social benefits in-kind
- Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
- Social consultations
- Social contributions and benefits
- Social economy
- Social Insurance Fund expenditure
- Social Insurance Fund revenue
- Social media
- Social pension
- Social protection
- Social protection benefits
- Social protection functions
- Social protection schemes
- Social renting
- Social security court
- Social transfers in kind
- Social work
- Socialization Centre
- Socially maladjusted youth
- Socio-economic group of household
- Software
- solar collector
- Solar heat
- Solar photovoltaic
- Solar thermal
- Sold production of construction
- Sold production of industry
- Sold production of industry products
- Solid fossil fuels
- Solid manure
- Song and dance ensemble
- Source of origin
- Source of water used for irrigation
- Sources of financing expenditure
- Sources of investment financing
- Sources of the intangible fixed assets financing
- Sows mated for the first time
- Spatial information infrastructure
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Special Area of Conservationof Habitats (SAC)
- Special childcare centre
- Special education
- Special education and care centre
- Special fund
- Special job-training school
- Special procedure
- Special programmes
- Special Protection Areaof Birds (SPA)
- Special purpose enity/ Special purpose vehicle
- Special purpose vehicle registered
- Special school
- Special section
- Specialised bank
- Specialised guidance
- Specialised out-patient services
- Specialised store
- Specialist classes
- Specialist education
- Specialist therapy centre
- Specialized carrier
- Specialized Investment Fund
- Specialized workshops
- Specific provision
- Speech therapy classes
- Sport
- Sport and recreational infrastructure in tourist accommodation establishments
- Sport department
- Sports
- Sports association
- Sports Championship School
- Sports Championships
- Sports club
- Sports coach
- Sports competition
- Sports facility
- Sports instructor
- Sports jugde
- Sports school
- Sports section
- Square mean
- Stacked wood
- Stage I sectoral vocational school
- Stage II sectoral vocational school
- Stagnant water fish ponds
- Standard deviation
- State and regional centres of forensic psychiatry
- State Archives
- State bank
- State border
- State budget expenditure
- State budget revenue
- State legal person
- State of (condition of) legal activity and economic
- State of natural disaster
- State Treasury Debt
- State Treasury securities
- Station
- Stationary (inpatient) medical facility
- Stationary point-source
- Stationary population cumulated (Tx)
- Stationary population (Lx)
- Statistic array
- Statistic of chi-square independence
- Statistical analysis
- Statistical data
- Statistical grouping
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Statistical inference
- Statistical locality
- Statistical observation
- Statistical region
- Statistical regularity
- Statistical series
- Statistical survey
- Statistical thresholds
- Statistical unit
- Statistical value - arrival
- Statistical value - dispatch
- Status in employment
- Steam reforming
- Stillbirth
- Stillbirth legitimate
- Stillborn newborns
- Stimulant
- Stochastic dependence
- Stochastic variability
- Stock as of the beginning of the year
- Stock as of the end of the year (wastes)
- Stock change of energy commodities
- Stock Exchange index
- Stock market
- Stock rotation indicator in days
- Stocks
- Stocks of finished goods manufactured in industry units
- Stocks of goods for resale
- Stocks of goods in trade units
- Stocks of materials at producers
- Stocks of materials at users
- Stocks of raw materials
- Stop
- Storage space of warehouse
- Straddle carrier
- Strategic noise map
- Stratification
- Stratified sampling
- Stratifying variables
- Stratum
- Street greenery
- Street outlets
- Strict protection
- Strike
- Strolling-recreational park
- Structural point series
- Structured product
- Stud-bulls
- Student
- Student dormitory
- Students by LFS
- Stump wood
- Sub-bituminous coals
- Subcontractor
- Subfund
- Subjective evaluation of material situation
- Subscription of periodical
- Subscription warrant
- Subsidiary (an affiliate)
- Subsidies
- Subsidies (by regulation (EU) No 549/2013)
- Subsidized job
- Suicide attempted
- Suicide committed
- Supermarket
- Supervising work
- Supplement in respect of bringing up a child in a large family
- Supplement in respect of bringing up the child as a single parents
- Supplement in respect of starting education in a school outside of the place of residence
- Supplement in respect of the child care during parental leave
- Supplementary capital
- Supplementary unit
- Supply
- Supply from own activity
- Supply of selected goods
- Supported accommodation
- Supported employment
- Supporting family
- Supra-local tasks
- Supreme Audit Office
- Supreme Court
- Surface aera of crops irrigated at least once a year
- Surface of marketplaces
- Surface water
- Surplus /Deficit general government sector
- Suspended particulates
- Suspension
- Sustainable Criteria
- Swap body
- Symmetric series
- Synthetic energy balance
- Systematic error
- Systematic sampling
- Systematic variability
- Table of contingency
- Table of correlation
- Table of independence
- Tangible effects of environmental protection and water management investments
- Tangible fixet assets
- Tanker
- Targeted grantsfrom the state budget
- Targeted grantsfrom theappropriated funds
- Targetedgrants
- Tax
- Tax on civil-legal proceedings
- Tax on games of chance and mutual betting
- Taxes and fees
- Taxes less subsidies on production and imports
- Taxes on production and imports
- Taxes on products less subsidies on products
- Taxi
- Teacher
- Teaching activity
- Team index of the impact of structural changes
- Team index with fixed structure
- Team index with variable structure
- Technical account
- Technical effect of PTE on OFE's management
- Technical provisions
- Technical result / Balance of technical account
- Technical secondary school
- Technicians and equivalent staff
- Technologically new product
- Technology of wooden constructions
- Telecommunication network
- Telecommunications network
- Telecommunications operator
- Telecommunications subscriber
- Telecomunication equipment
- Teleconsultation
- Telephone call
- Teleworkers
- Temple
- Temporary allowance
- Temporary exhibitions
- Temporary storing of waste
- Tenant leasing
- Tending
- Tent camp site
- Tenure status of household to dwelling
- Terminated
- Terminated due to an inability to work or due to rehabilitation
- Terminated due to dissolution of an employment contract
- Terminated due to dissolution of employment contracts by employer
- Terminated due to retired
- Termination rate
- Terms of delivery
- Terms of trade
- Territorial division of the country
- Territorial units of religious denomination
- The ability to pay bills on time
- The academic degree of habilitated doctor
- The aggregate price index according to Fischer's standardization formula
- The alimony debtor
- The areas of activity in the field of biotechnology
- The avearage number of persons per 1 room in dwelling
- The average hourly gross wage and salary
- The average monthly value of family benefits
- The average number of beds
- The average number of benefits from the alimony
- The average number of children from divorced marriages
- The average number of children from separated marriages
- The average number of children in abolished separations
- The average number of persons per 1 dwelling
- The average number of rooms in 1 dwelling
- The average numer of available bed places.
- The average useful floor area of dwelling
- The average useful floor area of dwelling per 1 person
- The average value of benefits from the alimony fund
- The awerage obtain of wool from 1 sheep
- The Blood Donation Centers
- The budget of the film, TV series
- The Card of the Pole
- The cassational complaint
- The Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)
- The constitutional complaint
- The Constitutional Tribunal
- The cost of servicing theliability incurred to finance the acquisition, construction or improvement of the fixed asset incurred during the reporting period and the related foreign exchange differences
- The costs of purchase of goods and services
- The country of the sea transport carrier/ operator
- The date of deleting from the REGON register
- The date of ending economic activity
- The date of entry to the register
- The date of entry to the REGON register
- The date of resuming economic activity
- The equivalence scales
- The financial result of state legal entities
- The financial situation of the household
- The first degree financial liquidity indicator
- The Guaranteed Employment Benefit Fund
- The hire rate
- The holder of an agricultural holding
- The income of household benefitting from social assistance
- The Insurance Guarantee Fund
- The inventory book
- The job vacancy rate (JVR)
- the Labour Fund
- The link in ISDN access
- The long term unemployed
- The main workplace
- The minimum wage
- The net value of fixed assets
- The number of employed persons
- The online ticket booking system
- The organiser of family foster care
- The penalty of restriction of freedom
- The pilot programmes
- The place of occurrence
- The Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU)
- The production under sub-contracted operations
- The rate of detectability of delinquents
- The rate of the fee for the management of municipal waste
- The register of the monuments
- The result of budgets of local government units
- The second degree financial liquidity indicator
- The Social Insurance Fund
- The state budget
- The team of attorneys
- The territorial sea of the Republic of Poland
- The third degree financial liquidity indicator
- The total area of agricultural holding
- The unemployed who without a decision issued by starosta participated in a training organized by other entity
- The usable area of the library premises
- The usable area of the premises allocated to substantive activities
- The value of foreign cash contributions
- The value of the foreign kind contributions
- The Warszawa Capital City district council
- The WIBOR®
- Theatre
- Theft
- Theft with assault
- Theheat transfer coefficient
- Therapeutic section
- Therapeutic waters
- Thermal units
- Thermal waters
- Third quartile
- Throughput
- Tillage methods
- Timber (large timber)
- Time not worked
- Time not worked due to illness
- Time not worked paid
- Time paid
- Time series
- Time worked
- Time worked in normal hours
- Tonne-kilometres
- Tonne-kilometres by pipeline
- Tonne-kilometres by rail
- Tonne-kilometres by road
- Tonne-kilometresby inland waterways
- TOPR interventions and rescue operations
- TOPR rescue expeditions
- TOPR rescuers
- Total atmospheric precipitation
- Total cereals
- Total consumption energy commodities
- Total consumption of energy commodity
- Total costs
- Total costs spent on production of products (in local units)
- Total energy
- Total equity and liabilities
- Total error
- Total fertility rate
- Total fixed assets
- Total floor space
- Total operating costs
- Total Return Index
- Total revenues
- Total sales in catering establishments (including VAT)
- Total solar radiation
- Total tonne-kilometres by air
- Tour operator or agent
- Tourism
- Tourism expenditure
- Tourist
- Tourist accommodation establishment
- Tourist services
- Tourist trail
- Tourists accommodated
- Town
- Trade enterprise
- Trade margin
- Trade store
- Trade warehouse
- Trademark
- Trailer
- Train
- Train station
- Training accommodation
- Training loan
- Training pension
- Training-recreational centre
- Tram rejestered
- Trams
- Tran frontier movements of waste
- Transaction price in foreign trade turnover
- Transaction price index in foreign trade
- Transfer agent
- Transfer junction
- Transformations input
- Transit cargo traffic
- Transmission (main) thermic-line
- Transmission (main) water supply network
- Transport cargo transportation
- Transport Layer Security
- Transport management
- Transport of goods
- Transport of goods by rail
- Transport of goods by road
- Transport of passengers
- Transport of passengers by buses
- Transport of passengers by rail
- Transport of passengers by urban transport
- Transported wastewater
- Trauma center
- Travel expenditure made by payment card
- Travelling exhibitions
- Treasury Bonds
- Treasury bonds with constant interest rate
- Treated in mental health, drug addiction, prevention and rehabilitation clinics for people addicted to psychoactive substances
- Treated wastewater
- Treatment capacity of wastewater treatment plant
- Tree stands resources
- Trees and shrubs outside the forest
- Trend function
- Trip
- Trips of the Polish Tourism and Sightseeing Society
- Truncated enterprise group
- Tschuprow's T- coefficient
- Tug
- Tugs fleet
- Turkey
- Turkey-Hens
- Turnoutof voters
- Turnover in business service
- Turnover of services
- Turnover year
- TV series / movie serial
- Twice the median share of energy expenditure
- Type of contract
- Typical area of variability
- Typological grouping
- UBL - Universal Business Language
- Ultimate parent unit
- Unaddressed mail item
- Underbrush
- Underemployed part-time workers by LFS
- Underground activity (concealed/hidden activity)
- Underground production
- Underground waters
- Underlying of a derivative
- Undistributed (unsettled) financial result from previous years
- Unemployed persons by Census 2021
- Unemployed persons by LFS
- Unemployed persons previously in employment by LFS
- Unemployed without occupational qualifications
- Unemployment benefit
- Unemployment rate by Census 2021
- Unemployment rate by LFS
- Unidentifiable microdata
- Uniform allocation
- Uninhabited dwelling
- Unit under observation
- Unit's organizer
- Units of emergency medical service
- Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
- Universal postal services
- Universalstore
- University professor
- Unmet need for medical/dental examination or treatment
- Unorganized emission
- Unpaid mission-related activity
- Unpaid share capital
- Unpatented invention
- Unregistered employment
- Untreated wastewater
- Unutilised agricultural land
- Upgraded high-speed railway line
- Urban areas served by gas supply system
- Urban areas served by sewage system
- Urban areas served by water supply system
- Urban population
- Usable capacity of warehouses
- Usable energy from conventional sources replaced by renewable heat
- Usable floor area of a residential building
- Usable floor space of building
- Usable heat
- Usable renewable heat
- Use of disposable income account
- Useful floor area of a dwelling
- Useful floor space of a dwelling completed
- User registered (in the library)
- Utilised permanent meadows
- Utilised permanent pastures
- Utility model
- Vacancies
- Value added
- Value added, gross
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Value of consumption of fixed assets
- Value of core capital of a capital group
- Value of goods and materials sold according to purchase prices
- Value of purchases from import
- Value produced products for the sale for outside of enterprise
- Variance
- Variant grouping
- Venture capital
- Village
- Village administrator
- Village administrator's offices.
- Village fund
- Village mayor (mayor, and president of a city)
- Virtual exhibition
- Visitor
- Vital statistics
- Voivodship
- Voivodship referendums
- Voivodship regional council
- Volume index in foreign trade
- Volume index in foreign trade turnover in exports
- Volume index in foreign trade turnover in imports
- Voluntary social security contributions
- Volunteer
- Volunteering
- Wages and salaries apprentices
- Wages and salaries of employees in intervention and public works
- Wages and salaries of outworkers
- Wages and salaries to calculate average monthly wages and salaries
- Wages and salaries (Total)
- Warrant
- Warsaw Stock Exchange Index of Domestic Companies WIG PL
- Warsaw Stock Exchange Index sWIG80
- Warsaw Stock Exchange Index (WIG)
- Warsaw Stock Exchange Index (WIG20)
- Waste
- Waste Classification
- Waste disposal
- Waste facility
- Waste gases
- Waste generated
- Waste holder
- Waste management
- Waste producer
- Waste recovery
- Waste storage
- Waste thermal treatment
- Wastes suitable for recycling
- Wastewater
- Wastewater discharged
- Wastewater discharged to wastewater treatment plant
- Wastewater pre-treatment plant
- Wastewater requiring treatment
- Wastewater reused
- Wastewater treated with increased biogene removal
- Wastewater treatment plant
- Wastewater treatment plant with increased biogene removal
- Water canal
- Water collected from intakes
- Water collected from surface intakes
- Water consumption for plant's needs
- Water delivered for production purposes
- Water delivered to households
- Water legal permit
- Water region
- Water sale
- Water stocks
- Water supply distribution network
- Water supply installations
- Water supply system
- Water withdrawal for production purposes
- Watersupply connection
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- Web services
- Weblog, blog
- Webside, World Wide Web
- Weekend and holiday accommodation establishments
- Weight
- Weight load factor
- Weighted average rate of return of Open Pension Fund
- Weighting system used for compilation of price indices of consumer goods and services
- Welness employee
- Wet devices
- When began first regular job
- Wholesale (including VAT)
- Wholesale of water/consumption of water
- Wholesale recipient
- Wholesale warehouse
- Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Wind velocity
- Wireless Application Protocol
- Wireless connection
- Wireless Fidelity
- Wood assortment
- Wooded land wooded area
- Woody and bushy land
- Work permit for a foreigner
- Work time
- Work undertaken during week preceding the survey
- Working age
- Working conditions
- Working days not worked due to participation in strikes
- Working directly with the patient (performing health care activities)
- Working time on agricultural holding (farm)
- Works of art
- Works related to the collecting and / or the bibliographic elaborating
- Workshops
- Workstation
- Write-offs from net profit for the turnover year (a negative amount)
- Year of building erection
- Yield per 1 ha in dt
- Young cattle
- Young families
- Young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET (LFS indicator)
- Young pigs (from 20 to 50 KG)
- Young stands
- Youth education centre
- Youth hostel
- Youth socialtherapy centre
- Yule's coefficient of colligation