Paid employees
Persons hired on the basis of employment contracts for a specified period of time (including seasonal and temporary workers) and unspecified period, full-time and part-time (i.e. paid employment). In calculating the paid employment as at a given day in natural persons, full-time paid employees and part-time paid employees.
Paid employees include:
1) persons employed on the basis of employment contracts, including:
- persons employed in intervention and public works financed from the Labour Fund,
- juvenile persons employed on the basis of employment contracts,
- persons employed abroad, working for the benefit of domestic organizational units,
- persons staying abroad on business trip.
In paid employment have to be included foreigners carrying out work accordance to The Law on Promotion of Employment and Labour Market Institutions dated 20 April 2004 (Journal of Laws 2008, No 69, item 415 with later amendments).
2) persons employed on the basis of posting, appointment or election,
3) persons employed in companies in organised working groups (military units, members of Voluntary Labour Units, excluding members of Volunteer Labour Units who continue vocational training, civil defence youths, industrial and fire guard youths, persons in substitute military service, sentenced persons.)
Paid employees do not include, i.a.:
1) outworkers,
2) trainees who concluded a contract for vocational training with an establishment,
3) persons on child-care leaves for caring over a child (also employees who at the same time receive maternity benefits due to birth of a next child), despite the fact that they are in the books of the company,
4) students of schools for the unemployed and students of higher schools on holiday or the diploma apprenticeship,
5) employed on the basis of order-agreement and on a contract of specified work. Depending on the purpose of a statistical survey, departure from the above rules can be used (explained each time in explanatory notes to individual statistical reports).
6) Agents.
High-level terms
Low-level terms: