The sum of energy embodied in the primary energy commodities. The energy commodities that are acquired directly from the nature include: power coal (including the coal reclaimed from mine tips), coking coal, lignite, petroleum (including gasoline), high-methane natural gas (including gas gained from the methane drainage of coal mines), high nitrogen natural gas, coal peat, firewood, solid and liquid waste fuels (excluding recycled petroleum products), municipal waste, other raw materials used for energy purposes (methanol, ethanol, improvers), hydropower used for electricity production, solar energy used for electricity or heat production, geothermal used for electricity or heat production.
High-level terms
Primary energy
The sum of energy embodied in the primary energy commodities. The energy commodities that are acquired directly from the nature include: power coal (including the coal reclaimed from mine tips), coking coal, lignite, petroleum (including gasoline), high-methane natural gas (including gas gained from the methane drainage of coal mines), high nitrogen natural gas, coal peat, firewood, solid and liquid waste fuels (excluding recycled petroleum products), municipal waste, other raw materials used for energy purposes (methanol, ethanol, improvers), hydropower used for electricity production, solar energy used for electricity or heat production, geothermal used for electricity or heat production.
Directive 2008/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 concerning a Community procedure to improve the transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users (recast)
Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. UE L 298 z 7.11.2008, str. 9)
High-level terms