Terms used in official statistics

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The Guaranteed Employment Benefit Fund


A fund from which, in case of the employer's insolvency, the following not settled employee claims are paid out: wages and salaries for work, for the time of layoff in which an employee was not in fault, for the time of leave of work, for the time of justified absence at work, for the time of holiday leave, compensatory benefits to which an employee is entitled under provisions of law on benefits due to accidents at work and occupational diseases, sick benefit financed from remuneration funds, severance cash pay to which an employee is entitled in case of termination of employment relationship in which an employer was in fault, social security contributions from employers.

The above benefits are payable for the period not longer than three months preceding the termination of employment relationship, in case it occurred in the period not exceeding six months prior to the date of the employer's insolvency. Remuneration for work and severance pay in case of termination of employment relationship in which an employer was in fault, in case the termination of employment occurred in the period not exceeding six months prior to the date of the employer's insolvency.

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
