Terms used in official statistics

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Medical facility


A group of assets by which a medical entity performs a specific type of medical activity.
The types of medical activity are:
1) stationary and round-the-clock health services:
a) hospital,
b) other than hospital,
2) outpatient health services.

Each medical entity runs a medical facility. In case of those medical entities that have a status of entrepreneurs, within the meaning of art. 431 of the Civil Code, the medical facility is part of their enterprise as an organized and separate part of it. In the case of medical entities that do not have the status of entrepreneurs, the medical facilities are not classified as enterprises.

  • Act of 15 April 2011 on Medical Activity
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 799)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie
