Terms used in official statistics

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Care and education center for children and young people


A centre which provides round-the clock care and upbringing of a child deprived in part or in full of paternal care.

The centre fulfil its needs, especially emotional, development, health, living, social and religious needs, enables contacts with parents and other close persons, unless otherwise decided by a court, takes actions aimed at the child's return to a family, provides a child with access to education adjusted to its age and development skills, provides a child with therapeutic actions, provides access to eligible healthcare services.

  • Act of 9 June 2011 on Family Support and Foster Care System
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 177, z późn. zm.)

High-level terms

Low-level terms:

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
