Terms used in official statistics

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Investments on water management


Expenditure on fixed assets creative and increase serving water management.

Can be expressed as:

1) investment expenditures on:

- construction and improvement of surface, underground and mining water intakes (also in commercial power industry) as well as water main and distribution networks (water intakes, wells, filters, pumping stations, water-pipe networks – excluding to buildings and domestic ), water treatment plants, water quality control laboratories, which also includes the automatic stations of water quality testing,

- building of retention reservoirs (excluding the fire-fighting and daily-levelling reservoirs),

- regulation and modernization of rivers and streams,

- flood embankments,

- building and modernization of pumping stations behind embankments and in depression areas;

2) real capital such as devices and buildings for water management purposes, e.g.:

- water intakes and water treatment plants,

- water supply networks (main and distribution),

- reservoirs and falls,

- flood embankments,

- regulation and modernization of rivers and streams.

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
