Geodesic precinct
The unit extracted of the country area for register of lands and buildings purpose.
A geodetic unit in the register unit is determined by its name and number. The boundaries of rural precincts may cover the entire village with adjacent physiographic objects or its separated part, in urban areas they may cover the entire city or its separated part. The starosta splits area into geodetic units in agreement with the Surveyor General of Poland after consultingr proper local unit of official statistics.
Regulation of the Minister of Economic Development, Labor and Technology of 27 July 2021 on land and building records
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 219, z późn. zm.)
Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Programowania, Koordynacji Badań i Rejestrów
GUS – Departament Programowania, Koordynacji Badań i Rejestrów