Family assistant
A family assistant shall conduct work with family that experiences difficulties in the fulfilment of care and education functions.
The tasks of a family assistant shall cover in particular:
1) development and implementation of a plan of work with a family
2) provision of assistance to families in improvement of their life situation, including the acquisition of skills for correct maintenance of a household;
3) interventions and preventive measures in a situation that poses threat to the safety of children and families;
4) provision of assistance in the search for gainful job, taking it up and maintenance thereof;
5) provision of support to children, in particular by participation in psychological and educational classes;
6) conduct of individual educational consultations for parents and children, maintenance of documentation related to the work with family, drawing up of an opinion about a family and its members upon request of a court of law;
7) monitoring of the family's functioning after the work with a family has come to an end;
8) cooperation with government administration and self-government units, competent NGOs and other organisations and persons that specialise in the activities for the well-being of a child and family;
The number of families that a family assistant can work with at the same time must not exceed 15.
Act of 9 June 2011 on Family Support and Foster Care System
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2025 r. poz. 49)
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy