Unemployed persons by Census 2021
Persons aged 15-74 years who simultaneously fulfill three conditions:
- were not employed in the reference week,
- were actively looking for work, i.e. took concrete steps to find a job in the period of one month ending on the last day of the survey,
- were available to take up work in the reference week and the following week.
The unemployed population was determined in the reference week, i.e. from 25 to 31 March 2021. The unemployed also included those who had found a job and were waiting for a job to start within 3 months and were willing to take that job.
Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on population and housing censuses
Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. UE L 218 z 13.08.2008, str. 14) -
Act of 9 August 2019 on the National Census of Population and Housing 2021
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2021 r. poz. 1143, z późn. zm.)
Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy