Medium fertile arable land
Arable land is included in the arable soil of bonitation classes: III(b), IV (a), IV (b).
Class III (b) - Medium-good arable soils - soils similar in properties to class IIIa soils, but their physiographic conditions, as well as physical and chemical properties are more pronounced. The groundwater level fluctuates even more. These soils may be subject to erosion. Signs of a degradation process, if any, are clearly marked. These soils, which are still quite good in principle, can be regarded to some, but still relatively insignificant, degree as defective soils. Some of them are more difficult to grow. Good yields of wheat, sugar beet and red clover can be achieved on these soils, in conditions of high agricultural culture and favorable weather conditions. This class of soils is also suitable for planting orchards.
Class IV (a) - Arable soils of medium quality, better - soils on which average yields are obtained, even when good agriscience is used. These soils often occur in worse positions in the topography, on larger slopes and are often exposed to water erosion. Heavy soils of this class are rich in nutrients and are characterized by high potential fertility, but they are not very airy, cold and not biologically active, usually difficult to cultivate. In hot seasons they dry up creating deep cracks and fissures or lumps difficult to break. Grown wet, they rub. A significant part of soils of this class periodically have a high groundwater level and require drainage, and after its completion, it can be classified as higher classes (even class II). Usually, they have less favorable conditions for planting orchards than on soils of higher classes. Light soils of this class are rye-potato soils, however, they are not suitable for the cultivation of red clover. If soils of this class are kept in high agricultural culture and good moisture conditions, they are suitable for the cultivation of barley, and even wheat and oats, and fodder beet gives satisfactory yields. The soils of this class are also suitable for planting orchards, but not all types of fruit trees.
Class IV (b) - Arable soils of average quality, inferior - soils similar in properties to class IVa soils, but more defective (either too dry or too moist). Heavy soils in this class are usually waterlogged, too heavy for cultivation, located in poor physiographic conditions. Some species (varieties) are on too permeable ground, which is why they are too dry. In other species, the groundwater level is too high for a longer period of time, and a clear bonding occurs in the soil profile above 50 cm, which requires drainage. The heavier soils in this class are best grown with mixed cereals, oats, clover, cabbage, swede and other forage crops. They are not suitable for the cultivation of winter crops. Only some types of fruit trees are suitable for soils of this class. Light soils in this class are essentially rye-potato soils, but are often drought-sensitive. Exceptionally, in favorable weather conditions and when kept in high agricultural culture, they are suitable for growing other crops. They are suitable for the establishment of orchards for less demanding species of fruit trees.
Prices of arable land in private sales (quarterly) are quoted the purchase/sales prices, as well as lease prices of selected agricultural land for agricultural activity. The source of information is a quarterly interview survey conducted in an individual farm, which was selected for agricultural sample surveys. The interviewer provides data on prices broken down by quarters.
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 12 September 2012 on the soil science land classification
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2012 r. poz. 1246)
High-level terms
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
Medium Quality Land
Description of the concept that applied to: 29.11.2012