Terms used in official statistics

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Discharged into water or into the ground:

a) water used for household or utility purposes,

b) liquid animal faeces, excluding unfermental or fermental liquid manure for agricultural use in the manner and according to the rules specified by law on fertilizers and manuring,

c) leachte water from dumps, used brines, health and thermal waters,

d) water from power plants cooling circuits or from combined heat and power plants,

e) water from drainage of mines, excluding water entered to formation, if the types and quantities of substances contained in the water entered to formation are equivalent to types and quantities of substances contained in collected water,

f) waters used, discharged from fishing industry structures, if they contain new substances or quantities of substance in relation to the one contained in the collected water are increased.

  • Act of 20 July 2017, New Water Law
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 1087, z późn. zm.)

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
Amendments to the description of a concept:
  • Wastewater
    Description of the concept that applied to: 23.08.2017
