Targeted grantsfrom the state budget
Targeted grants from the state budget are measures intended to:
1. to finance or subsidize: a. the tasks of government administration and other tasks assigned by laws to local government units, b. statutorily defined tasks, including tasks of state patronage of the culture, carried out by units other than units of local government, c. the current own tasks of local government units, d. the agency regulations referred to in article 21, item 1 point 3, b, e. to carry out tasks assigned to NGOs, f. the cost of the investment;
2. payments for interest on bank loans to the extent specified in separate laws;
3. implementation of programs financed in part with funds referred to in article 5 item 1 point 3 and item 3, point 6, spent by entities implementing these programs, other than state budgetary units;
4. the implementation of technical assistance projects financed with European funds and resources referred to in article 5, item 3, point 5 a, b;
5. financing or subsidize the tasks performed by local governments and other entities with funds provided by the entities referred to in article 9 points 5, 7, 14;
6. the programs funded in part with funds referred to in article 5, item 3 point 5 c, d;
7. co-finance the implementation of programs financed with European funds.
Act of 27 August 2009 on the Public Finance
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 1530, z późn. zm.)
GUS – Departament Studiów Makroekonomicznych i Finansów