Terms used in official statistics

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Index of price relations of sold agricultural products and price indices of goods and services purchased by private farms


Index of price relations ("price gap") constitutes the ratio of price index of sold agricultural products to price index of purchased goods and services.

Price indices of sold agricultural products reflect changes in average weighted procurement prices and marketplace prices received by farmers.

Price indices of purchased goods and services illustrate changes in retail prices of goods and services purchased for consumer, current agricultural production or investment purposes.

Price indices have been calculated using as a weight system - the structure of the sold agricultural products as well as the structure of purchased goods and services from the year preceding the one under the survey. The following weight systems have been applied for goods and services intended for:

1. consumption - the structure of expenditure (excluding own consumption) of households of farmers resulting from household budgets survey;

2. current agricultural production - the structure of purchases which were carried out by private farms;

3. investment - the structure of monetary expenditure based on data from national accounts concerning gross capital formation.

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
