Terms used in official statistics

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Forest land


Within the meaning of the forest law, these are lands:

1) of compact area of at least 0.10 ha, covered by forest vegetation (wooded area) or temporarily devoid of forest vegetation (non-wooded area). These areas are designated for silviculture production or constitute nature reserves comprising portions of national parks or are registered as nature monuments. The category is defined as "forests area".

2) connected with silviculture includes land used for purposes of forest management: buildings and structures, spatial division lines in forests, forest roads, forest nurseries, wood stockpiling areas, devices for water drainage, areas under electricity power lines, forest car parks and tourist facilities.

  • Act of 28 September 1991 on Forests
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 530, z późn. zm.)

Low-level terms:

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Białymstoku
