Terms used in official statistics

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Village mayor (mayor, and president of a city)


Single-person executive body of a gmina. Village mayor is the executive body of a rural gmina. The mayor is the executive body of a gmina in which the seat of government is located in the city that lies in the territory of a gmina. President of a city is the executive body in cities with more than 100 thousand residents. This also applies to cities in which, until the Act of 8 March 1990 on gmina local government entered into force, the president of a city was the executive-managing body.

The village mayor (mayor, city president) carries out the resolutions of the gmina council and the tasks of the gmina specified by the law - among others, prepares draft resolutions of the gmina council and determines the way they are executed. It is within his exclusive competence to manage gmina's property and execute the budget, as well as to hire and dismiss managers of gmina's organizational units. In carrying out the tasks of the gmina, its head (village mayor, mayor, city president) is solely responsible to the gmina council.

  • Act of 8 March 1990 on Gmina Local Government
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 609, z późn. zm.)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny we Wrocławiu
