Terms used in official statistics

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Passenger-kilometres by road transport


The sum of passenger-kilometres by road transport, when transporting passengers with single use, monthly and other multiple use tickets and carriage of employees (carriage to schools) based on contracts with enterprises (communes) and other carriage (e.g. holiday trips).

1. For transport of passengers with single use tickets, passenger-kilometres are calculated dividing the sum of revenues obtained on transport as a part of individual types of traffic (suburban, inter-city regular and inter-city fast) by the average tariff rate per one passenger-kilometre set for a given type of traffic, following reducing this rate by 7% (rate reduction is done on the grounds that some of the passengers use half-fare tickets and free charge tickets). 2. For transport of passengers with monthly and multiuse tickets, passenger-kilometres are calculated by dividing the sum of revenues obtained on this carriage by average tariff rate per 1 passenger-kilometre, calculated for each type of ticket separately. 3. For carriage of passengers with yearly tickets and free charge tickets, for each relation - the number of passengers entered in diagrams, holding yearly and free charge tickets is multiplied by the distance (in km) of a given relation. 4. In carriage of employees based on contracts with enterprises, passenger-kilometres are calculated as the sum of passenger-kilometres carried on in individual transport relations, while the number of passenger-kilometres performed in particular relation is calculated as the product of a given relation (in km) and the number of tickets valid for a given period by the average number of passes of one passenger in that period. 5. For holiday trips, passenger-kilometres are calculated by multiplying the number of passenger seats in the buses used for transport in a holiday trip (by convention accepted as the number of passengers carried) by vehicle-kilometre of that fleet of vehicles.

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
