Agricultural holding
A single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which conducts agricultural activity.
By reason of the introduction from 2010 of gradual changes in the methodology of agricultural surveys, aimed primarily at adaptation to EU standards and taking into account the changes taking place in the Polish agriculture, as well as the wider use of administrative sources, a definition of agricultural holding has change. According to current definition, agricultural holdings do not include holders of agricultural land not conducting agricultural activity and the holders of agricultural land with an area of less than 1 ha conducting agricultural activity on a small scale.
Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on integrated farm statistics and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1166/2008 and (EU) No 1337/2011
Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. UE L 200 z 07.08.2018, str. 1, z późn. zm.)
Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
Amendments to the description of a concept:
Agricultural holding
Description of the concept that applied to: 31.12.2012