Social Assistance Benefits
Social assistance in the form of monetary benefits and non-monetary benefits.
1.Monetary benefits: for example: permanent benefit, temporary benefit, appropriated benefit, special appropriated benefit, benefit and loan to reach financial self-dependence, assistance to reach self-dependence and continue education, benefit in cash for the maintenance and coverage of expenses connected with the learning of the Polish language (applies to refugees),
2. Non-monetary benefits: social work, credit ticket, social insurance contributions, health insurance contributions, benefit in kind e.g. assistance to reach financial self-dependence, funeral allowance, special guidance, crisis intervention, assistance in form of providing shelters, meals, clothes, attendance service provided at homes, support centers and family-based assistance houses, special attendance service provided at homes and support centers, residence and services in a social assistance house, assistance in gaining adequate housing conditions including social dwelling, in gaining employment and for running one's own household.
Act of 12 March 2004 on Social Assistance
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024. r. poz. 1283, z późn. zm.)
Low-level terms:
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie