Terms used in official statistics

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Dwellings owned by a gmina



- in buildings that are in whole owned by a gmina and individual dwellings owned by a gmina, but located in buildings constituting a shared real property, i.e. dwellings which serve meeting the needs of all inhabitants of a gmina; remaining in administration of a municipal organizational unit established in order to administrate municipal dwelling stock (e.g. Housing Management Enterprise/Institution, Municipal Housing Administration) or remaining in direct administration of a Community Office,

- owned by the State Treasury but administrated by a municipality,

- handed over to a gmina, but remaining at the disposal of public use units, such as: health care entities, social assistance organizational units, family support and foster care systems units, units of the education system, institutions of science and culture etc. serving mainly the housing needs of employees of such units. In statistical surveys, dwellings owned by gminas also include dwellings owned by powiats (local powiat self-government communities), but not being the property of any gmina, but remaining in administration of that municipality or a municipal organizational unit established in order to administrate dwelling stock.

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Lublinie
