Terms used in official statistics

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The rate of the fee for the management of municipal waste


The rate established by the commune council resolution for owners of real estate, where residents live, determined for the selected method of calculating the fee for municipal waste management, in accordance with the Act of September 13, 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities. The commune council may differentiate the fee rates depending on the flat area, the number of residents living in the property, collecting waste from rural or urban areas, as well as the type of building development. The commune council may use one or several methods of calculating the fee for municipal waste management, as well as various criteria for differentiating the rates of fees.

  • Act of September 13, 1996 on maintaining cleanliness and order in gminas
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 399, z późn. zm.)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Lublinie
