Terms used in official statistics

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Members ofthe board of county


The members of the board of county include the staroste as its chairman, a deputy and 3 to 5 other members.

The powiat board is the executive body of the powiat. It consists of the head of powiat (starosta) as its chairman, the deputy head of powiat (wicestarosta), and other members.
The powiat board is elected by the powiat council in a number of 3 to 5 people, including the head of powiat and deputy head of powiat, within 3 months from the day of announcement of the election results by the competent electoral body (the number of board members is determined by the powiat council's statute). The powiat board executes resolutions of the powiat council and tasks of the powiat specified by law. In carrying out its tasks, the board is responsible solely to the powiat council. The internal organisation and work procedures of the board are defined in the powiat's statute. The board carries out the tasks of the powiat with the assistance of the powiat office and powiat organisational units, including the powiat labour office. The head of powiat organises the work of the powiat board and the powiat office, manages current powiat matters, and represents the powiat externally. The head of powiat is the head of the powiat office and the superior of its employees and heads of powiat organisational units, as well as the superior of powiat services, inspections, and guards. Data presented since 1999.

  • Act of 5 June 1998 on Powiat Local Government
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 107)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny we Wrocławiu
