Terms used in official statistics

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Research and experimental development (R&D)


Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge - including knowledge of humankind, culture and society - and to devise new applications of available knowledge.

The five criteria for identifying R&D:

- novel - to be aimed at new findings

- creative - to be based on original, not obvious, concepts and hypotheses

- uncertain - to be uncertain about the final outcome and the cost, including time allocation

- systematic - to be conducted in a planned way (with identified the purpose of the R&D project and the sources of funding)

- transferable and/or reproducible - to lead to results that could be possibly reproduced.

Research and development includes:

1. scientific research

- basic research

- applied research

- industrial research

2. experimental development

Low-level terms:

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Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
