Terms used in official statistics

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Indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD


It is developed as a weighted average of the following components: architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy; implementation of the investment (execution and installation works); supply of telecommunications infrastructure and equipment.

Methodology for the development of the indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD developed in cooperation between the Statistics Poland and the Ministry of Digital Affairs

Features of the Indexation rate:
- Frequency – quarterly;
- Forms of presentation of data: price index for the previous quarter (previous quarter = 100);price change index for the corresponding quarter of the previous year (analogous quarter of the previous year = 100);

Data sources:
- C-06 Service Producer Price Report, Service Producer Price Index
- C-01b Report on the prices of manufacturers of construction and assembly works, Price indicators for construction and assembly production;
- C-01 Report on producer prices of products and services, Indicators of marketed production of industrial products
PKWiU - Polish Classification of Products and Services
PKD - Polish Classification of Activities

In the calculation methodology of the indexation rate developed in cooperation between the Statistics Poland and the Ministry of Digital Affairs, it was assumed that it consists of three components with the following shares:

1. Architectural and engineering services and related technical advice; share of 12%
2. Implementation of the investment (executive and installation work); share of 48%
3. Supply of telecommunications infrastructure and equipment; 40% share

Each of these components was assigned quarterly producer price indices for the following products (products and services*) (symbol according to PKWiU) developed on the basis of the previous quarter = 100, which were selected by the Ministry of Digital Affairs with an indication of their percentage shares in the index of value:

a) Architectural and engineering services and related technical consultancy (71.1) – 12% share.
b) Wheeled and rail roads; general construction works related to the construction of road and rail roads (42.1) – 12% share;
c) Pipelines, telecommunications and power lines; general construction works related to the construction of pipelines, telecommunications and power lines (42.2.) – 36% share
d) Telecommunications equipment (26.3) – 10% share;
e) Plastic products (22.2) – 10% share;
f) Articles of concrete, cement and plaster (23.6) – 5% share;
g) Other fabricated metal products (25.9) – 5% share;
h) Insulated transport and cables and installation equipment (27.3) – 10% share;

Formula for the calculation of the indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD:

— previous period = 100:
Mwn=[(W71.1*ua)]+[(W42.1*ub)+(W42.2*uc)]+[(W26.3*ud)+ (W22.2*ue)+(W23.6*uf)+(W25.9*ug)+(W27.3*uh)

— the corresponding period of the previous year = 100:
Mwy/y=[M(wn-3*M(wn-2)/100]* [M(wn-1)/100] *[(Mwn)/100]

Mwn - indexation rate in a given quarter compared to the previous quarter = 100
Mwy/y – indexation rate in a given quarter compared to the same period of the previous year = 100;
Mwn-1 – indexation rate in the quarter preceding the current quarter, Mwn
Mwn-2 - indexation rate in the quarter preceding the quarter of Mwn-1
Mwn-3 - indexation rate in the quarter preceding the quarter of Mwn-2
W71.1 - the services producer price index for architectural and engineering services and related technical consultancy
W42.1 - the producer price index for wheeled and rail roads; general construction works related to the construction of road and rail roads
W42.2 – the producer price index for pipelines, telecommunications and power lines; general construction works related to the construction of pipelines, telecommunications and power lines
W26.3 – the producer price index for telecommunications equipment
W22.2 – the producer price index for plastic products
W23.6 – the producer price index for articles of concrete, cement and plaster
W25.9 – the producer price index for other fabricated metal products
W27.3 – the producer price index for insulated transport and cables and installation equipment
ua – 12% share allocated to the services producer price index for architectural and engineering services and related technical consultancy
ub – a share of 12% allocated to the producer price index for road and rail roads; general construction works related to the construction of road and rail roads
uc – the 36% share allocated to the producer price index for pipelines, telecommunications and electricity lines; general construction works related to the construction of pipelines, telecommunications and power lines
ud – 10% share allocated to the producer price index for telecommunications equipment
ue – 10% share allocated to the producer price index of plastic products
uf – 5% share allocated to the producer price index of articles of concrete, cement and plaster
ug – 5% share allocated to the producer price index of other fabricated metal products
uh – 10% share allocated to the producer price index of insulated transport and cables and installation equipment

www.gov.pl/web/cyfryzacja/departament-telekomunikacji - contact to the substantive unit in the Ministry of Digital Affairs which is responsible for providing explanations on the indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD.

Legal disclaimer:
This index is purely informative and does not constitute an indicator within the meaning of the law, and in particular it is not an indicator within the meaning of the Act of 29 June 1995 on public statistics. The results of calculations based on the proposed index of valorisation are not the official position of the President of the Statistics Poland. The President of the Statistics Poland shall not be liable for any damage suffered by entities using the proposed indexation rate of telecommunications investment subsidies carried out under the NRP and EFDD.

(*) The services producer price index for architectural and engineering services and related technical consultancy (71.1 PKD) are calculated on the basis of indicators of representatives of services (PKWiU) provided in the framework of this activity; (Polish Classification of Products and Services – at the 4-digit level is consistent with the classification of activities of Polish Classification of Activities).

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Handlu i Usług
