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Goods and passenger transport revenues


Receipts for transport services provided by railway transport, road transport, urban transport (buses, trams, trolley buses and metro), pipeline, air, inland waterway and maritime transport expressed in actual prices of sale taking into account all discounts, rebates and reductions.

  1. In railway transport - revenues from cargo and passengers transport by standard gauge and narrow gauge railway and funicular railway.
  2. In goods road transport - revenues from goods transport include revenues from transport of goods for hire or reward.
  3. In passenger road transport and urban transport - revenues from carriage of passengers regard revenues from transport of passengers with single use, monthly and multiple used tickets as well as from employee transport based on contracts with enterprises and from holiday trips.
  4. In air transport - revenues from freight transport (i.e. transport of goods, postal parcels and paid luggage) and passengers carried in scheduled flights, additional and rented domestic and international lines.
  5. In pipeline transport - revenues from pumping crude oil and petroleum products.
  6. In inland waterway transport - revenues from goods and passenger transport by floating fleet of inland waterway transport on Polish and foreign waterways.
  7. In maritime transport - revenues from cargo and passenger transport in cruises finished with merchant ships, own ferries and ships and ferries hired from other ship-owners.

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
