Terms used in official statistics

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Company social benefit fund


Fund established in enterprises and designed for financing social activity organised for the benefit of entitled persons and funding company social complexes.

Social activity organised for the benefit of entitled persons comprises e.g. funding employee holidays, camps, winter holidays and welfare allowances. Company social complexes include e.g. holiday centres, sanatoriums, allotment gardens, sports and recreation objects.

  • Council Regulation (EC) No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs
    Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. WE L 63 z 12.03.1999, str. 6-10, z późn. zm. – Dz. Urz. UE Polskie wydanie specjalne, rozdz. 5, t. 3, str. 341, z późn. zm.)

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Bydgoszczy
