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Water legal permit


A water permit is required for:

1.Water services;

2.Specific water use;

3.Long-term lowering of the groundwater table;

4.Reclamation of surface waters or groundwater;

5.Introducing substances inhibiting the growth of algae into surface waters;

6.Construction of water devices;

7.Water regulation, development of mountain streams and shaping new natural watercourse beds;

8.Change of the topography on the land adjacent to the waters, affecting the conditions of water flow;

9.Routing bridge structures, pipelines, conduits in casing pipelines or culverts through flowing surface waters and through flood embankments;

10.Running overhead power lines and telecommunications lines through inland waterways and flood embankments.

A water permit is also required for:

1. Locating in areas of particular flood risk:

a. New projects that may have a significant impact on the environment,

b. New construction works.

2. Collecting wastewater, chemicals and other materials that may pollute water in areas of high flood risk and carrying out waste treatment, in particular their storage, in these areas.

  • Act of 20 July 2017, New Water Law
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 1087, z późn. zm.)

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Rolnictwa i Środowiska
Amendments to the description of a concept:
