Recreational activity
The form of physical activity, connected with sport, undertaken for active leisure and regeneration of psychophysical strength.
Participation in sports competition, strict application of standards and regulations and obtaining the best possible results do not play a leading role, but can be a motivating factor. Recreational activities include such forms of movement as walking and jogging, whereas pilgrimages, for example, are not included in recreational activities. The respondent's feeling should be the criterion for including a given form of movement in recreational activities. If the respondent deliberately chose a given form in order to exercise, it should be included in recreational activities (e.g. the choice of getting to work by bicycle, etc.)
Act of 25 June 2010 on Sport
Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 2048)
Urząd Statystyczny w Rzeszowie