Terms used in official statistics

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Sold production of construction


A basic measure of economic activity of economic entities included, according to the NACE Rev.2, in the section F. Sold production of construction concerns the total activity of an economic entity, i.e. both construction and non-construction activity. It is the value expressed in current basic prices, i.e. excluding value added tax (VAT) and excise tax but including the value of received subsidies on products (goods and services).

In the case of construction and assembly production (construction activity), subsidies on products as well as excise tax do not occur.
The value of sold production includes:
1. The value of products sold by an enterprise externally (regardless of whether due payments for them have been received or not), i.e. the value of:
- finished products, semi-finished products and parts of own production,
- performed services and works, including construction and assembly works realized with own resources (i.e. without subcontractors),
- scientific and research works,
- design works, geodetic and cartographic works,
derived as a result of multiplying the number of sold products and services by the selling price of the unit amended with due extra charges, granted rebates, reductions, discounts or contractual due payments for the sale of products (goods and services), excluding value added tax (VAT);
2. The value of manufactured products, not categorized as sale but treated equally to sale, i.e. the value of:
- own products supplied to own retail sales outlets as well as to own catering establishments and own warehouses,
- benefits transferred to the social benefits fund,
- own products (goods and services) manufactured and transferred for increasing the value of own fixed assets,
- goods and services transferred free of charge for the purpose of representation and advertisement,
- goods and services provided for the taxpayer's and staff's personal needs,
- donations of goods and services rendered free of charge.
3. Flat agents' fee for conducting economic activity, using fixed assets etc., in the case of concluding an agreement on commission terms, and full agents' fee in the case of concluding an agency agreement.

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Lublinie
