Terms used in official statistics

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Family benefits


Family benefits include:

  1. family allowance and family allowance supplements;
  2. single payment birth grant;
  3. attendance benefits: care allowance, care benefit and special attendance allowance;
  4. parental benefit.

Family benefits in Poland are funded by the state budget and the eligibility depends on the concerned family's actual financial situation. The following supplements may be granted in addition to a family allowance:

  1. a supplement in respect of a childbirth;
  2. a supplement in respect of the child care during parental leave;
  3. a supplement in respect of bringing up the child as a single parents;
  4. a supplement in respect of bringing up a child in a large family;
  5. a supplement in respect of education and rehabilitation of a disabled child;
  6. a supplement in respect of starting education in a school outside of the place of residence;
  7. a supplement in respect of the start of a school year.

  • Act of 28 November 2003 on Family Benefits
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 323, z późn. zm.)

Low-level terms:

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie
e-mail: SekretariatUSKRK@stat.gov.pl

