Terms used in official statistics

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Conditions of development and spatial management


These conditions are issued in cases where land is not covered by a local spatial management plan, in the course of administration proceedings (without any plan preparation or participation procedures). Conditions are established by an administrative decision of the head of a rural commune, mayor, or city president, issued on application by a person or institution intending to implement permanent changes in land use, spatial management, or building development plan of an area. The conditions precede a building permission. The decision defines the type of investment, conditions resulting from special regulations, the technical infrastructure conditions and requirements concerning third party rights. The communal/municipal study of the conditions and directions of spatial management is not the legal basis for issuing a decision on the conditions of development and spatial management.

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny we Wrocławiu
e-mail: sekretariatuswro@stat.gov.pl

