Terms used in official statistics

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Adoption centre


The facility, which is responsible for the conduct of adoption proceedings and preparation of persons willing to adopt a child.

The facility is responsible in particular for:

1) qualification of children selected for adoption and drawing up a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis for a child qualified for adoption, as well as gathering up-to-date information about the child's health condition;

2) selection of an adoption family that is suitable for the child's needs;

3) cooperation with a guardianship court that consists in particular in notification of circumstances that justify institution ex officio of guardianship proceedings;

4) provision of assistance in preparation of applications for adoption and gathering of necessary documents;

5) collection of information about children than can be adopted;

6) conduct of pedagogical and psychological examinations of candidates for child adoption;

7) conduct of analysis, hereinafter referred to as "adoption interview";

8) psychological and pedagogical support to candidates for child adoption and to persons who adopted a child;

9) organisation of training for candidates for child adoption;

10) assurance of psychological assistance to pregnant women and patients of gynaecological and obstetric wards who signal an intention to abandon a child directly after birth;

  • Act of 9 June 2011 on Family Support and Foster Care System
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2025 r. poz. 49)

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
