Terms used in official statistics

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A union between two persons of opposite sex, contracted according to the applicable law, bringing certain mutual rights and responsibilities, defined by legislation and customs.

The data on marriages refers to marriages contracted according to lawful rules at the civil status offices — the Law on Civil Status Acts from November 28, 2014 (Journal of Laws 2014 No.1741) with later amendments. The rules of the family law are regulated by the Act from February 25, 1964 — Family and Tutelary Code (Journal of Laws 1964 No. 9, item 59) with later amendments.
Since 1999 — according to the Act from July 24, 1998 — the Family and Tutelary Code, the Civil Procedure Code, the Law on Civil Status Acts, the Act on Relation of the State to the Catholic Church in the Republic of Poland and the other selected acts (Journal of Laws No. 117, item 757) — in the local civil status offices in Poland are registered all marriages including those based on the internal law of the Churches or the Religious Associations.
Marriages contracted on the basis of canonic law subordinate the civil Polish laws and result in the same civil and law consequences as marriages contracted in the local civil status offices.
In population and housing censuses, marital status of persons is established on the basis of voluntary declarations. To the census of 1988, only actual marital status was registered, not civil law, since the census of 2002 collected information about both. Census results are characterized both compounds formal-legal and informal.

  • Act of 25 February 1964 - Family and Guardianship Code
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. z 2023 r. poz. 2809)
  • Act of 28 November 2014, the Vital Records Law
    Place of publication: (Dz. U. 2021 poz. 709, z późn. zm.)

High-level terms

Low-level terms:

Contact person on methodology:
GUS – Departament Badań Demograficznych
Amendments to the description of a concept:
  • Marriage
    Description of the concept that applied to: 31.12.2017
