Terms used in official statistics

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Non-dwelling inhabited space


An inhabited space which is not a dwelling contains premises not adapted to residential purposes and inhabited temporarily, a mobile unit or other units which are the one place of living for person during Census of Population.

This category contains:

1) Premises not adapted to residential purposes and inhabited temporarily (e.g. an attic, a laundry room, a drying room), a mobile unit (e.g. a portacabin, a camping trailer, a barge) or other premises that is the sole place of residence of a person. 2) Premises found within a residential or other (office, commercial, utility, livestock) building that was not built as a dwelling nor has been adapted to such purposes but which, due to unexpected circumstances, e.g., natural catastrophe, burning down of a dwelling or other cause is temporarily being inhabited by a person(s) constituting a household; e.g., attic, laundry room, drying room, garage, livestock premises or utility premises (stable, cowhouse, barn), 3) Semi-permanent premises built as a dwelling for a family or a single person for a temporary period - usually a couple of years, e.g., until a new, permanent dwelling can be built (e.g., containers or barracks built for persons touched by a natural catastrophe - for flood victims and fire victims) as well as temporary buildings erected for dwelling by families whose old house has been demolished until a new house is built, 4) Temporary premises (e.g., a shed, a cell, a cottage, erected for temporary living by a family or an individual person or erected for other purposes) and which, as a result of various circumstances, is the sole place of residence of one or a larger number of people constituting a household, 5) A mobile unit, i.e., premises that are not firmly fixed to the ground (e.g., a portacabin, a railway car, a camping trailer, a barge, a yacht) that are the sole place of residence of a single person or a greater number of people constituting a household due to the nature of work being executed or lifestyle or due to unexpected circumstances.

  • Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on population and housing censuses
    Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. UE L 218 z 13.08.2008, str. 14)

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Lublinie
