Economically inactive population according to the LFS
The economically inactive population comprises:
1. persons aged 15-89 who were not classified as employed or unemployed, i.e. persons who during reference week:
a) did not work, neither had a job nor were seeking work;
b) were seeking a job, albeit not in an active way or were actively seeking work but were not ready (available) to start work within the two weeks following the reference week;
c) neither worked nor were seeking work, as they had already found a job and were waiting to start work during the period:
- longer than 3 months,
- up to 3 months albeit they were not available for this work;
2.all persons aged 90 years and more.
A group of discouraged persons aged 15-74 is specified among the economically inactive, i.e. persons not seeking work because they are convinced that they will not find it.
Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization adopted by the Nineteenth International
Conference of Labour Statisticians in Geneva (ICLS) and recommended by the International Labour Organization (ILO) for the use in all countries.
Place of publication: (Genewa) -
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2240 of 16 December 2019 specifying the technical items of the data set, establishing the technical formats for transmission of information and specifying the detailed arrangements and content of the quality reports on the organisation of a sample survey in the labour force domain in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Place of publication: (Dz. Urz. UE L 336 z 30.12.2019, str. 59, z późn. zm.)
High-level terms
Low-level terms:
- Economic activity by LFS
- Persons available to work but not seeking (LFS indicator)
- Persons seeking work but not immediately available (LFS indicator)
- Economically inactive persons previously in employment by LFS
- Jobless households by LFS
- Young people neither in employment nor in education and training – NEET (LFS indicator)
- Relation of non-working to working people (LFS indicator)
GUS – Departament Badań Społecznych i Rynku Pracy
Economically inactive population according to the LFS,Population and Housing Census 2002 and National Census of Population and Housing 2011
Description of the concept that applied to: 31.12.2020