Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January 2017

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In January 2017,  exports  at  current  prices  amounted  to PLN 65929.9  mln, while imports amounted to PLN 63888.8 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 2041.1 mln, while in the first month of 2016 PLN 2534.3  mln. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2016, exports increased by 9.4% and imports by 10.7%.

Specification I   2017 2016 2017
mln PLN  mln USD  mln EUR I 2016 = 100 I  
PLN USD EUR structure %
Exports 65929.9 15518.7 14923.0 109.4 100.3 105.3 100.0 100.0
Developed countries   57584.4 13554.3 13034.0 107.5 98.5 103.4 88.9 87.3
of which EU2    52998.3 12474.9 11996.0 106.7 97.7 102.6 82.4 80.4
of which euro-zone3   37813.0 8900.5 8558.8 106.6 97.6 102.5 58.8 57.4
Developing countries  5137.8 1209.4 1162.9 121.0 112.0 117.6 7.0 7.8
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe4   3207.7 755.0 726.1 129.5 120.1 126.2 4.1 4.9
Imports5   63888.8 15038.3 14461.0 110.7 101.5 106.6 100.0 100.0
Developed countries   41479.7 9763.6 9388.8 108.0 98.9 103.9 66.5 64.9
of which EU2    36877.1 8680.2 8347.0 107.9 98.8 103.7 59.2 57.7
of which euro-zone3   29474.0 6937.7 6671.3 106.9 97.8 102.7 47.8 46.1
Developing countries  16655.3 3920.4 3769.9 114.3 105.1 110.4 25.3 26.1
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe4   5753.8 1354.3 1302.3 120.8 111.4 116.5 8.2 9.0
Balance 2041.1 480.4 462.0 X X X X X
Developed countries   16104.7 3790.7 3645.2 X X X X X
of which EU2    16121.2 3794.7 3649.0 X X X X X
of which euro-zone3   8339.0 1962.8 1887.5 X X X X X
Developing countries  -11517.5 -2711.0 -2607.0 X X X X X
Countries of Central and Eastern Europe4   -2546.1 -599.3 -576.2 X X X X X

Exports expressed in USD amounted to 15518.7 mln while imports amounted to USD 15038.3 mln (an increase in exports of 0.3% and in imports of 1.5%). The positive balance reached the level of USD 480.4 mln (against USD 656.7 mln in 2016).

Exports expressed in EUR amounted to 14923.0 mln while imports amounted to EUR 14461.0 mln (an increase in exports of 5.3% and in imports of 6.6%). The positive balance reached the level of EUR 462.0 mln compared to EUR 596,7 mln in the same period in 2016.

Collection of data on foreign trade turnover is open. Data published formerly is updated according to new customs documentation and INTRASTAT declarations.

2 Trade turnover with EU countries covers: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,  Greece,  Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

3 Trade turnover with euro-zone countries covers: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.

4 Trade turnover with Central and Eastern European countries covers: Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

