Agriculture. Forestry

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No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Publication Procurement and prices of agricultural products in 2023
29.05.2024 Archive Procurement and prices of agricultural products in 2023
2 Publication Rural areas in Poland 2022
29.03.2024 Archive Rural areas in Poland 2022
3 Publication Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2023
21.12.2023 Archive Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2023
4 Publication Agriculture in 2022
30.11.2023 Archive Agriculture in 2022
5 Publication Means of production in agriculture in the 2019/20 farming year
30.11.2021 Archive Means of production in agriculture in the 2019/20 farming year
6 Publication Land use and sown area in 2019
31.03.2020 Archive Land use and sown area in 2019

Animal production, Farm animals

No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Publication Farm animals in 2023
22.07.2024 Archive Farm animals in 2023
2 Statistics in focus Cattle population as of December 2023
3 Statistics in focus Pig population as of December 2023
4 Publication Animal production expressed in physical terms in 2022
5 Statistics in focus Pig population as of June 2023
6 Statistics in focus Cattle population as of June 2023

Agricultural and horticultural crops

No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Statistics in focus Spring assessment of the condition of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024
2 Publication Production of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
30.04.2024 Archive Production of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
3 Statistics in focus Preliminary assessment of overwintering of crops in 2024
4 Statistics in focus Result estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
18.12.2023 Archive Result estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
5 Statistics in focus Pre-result estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
29.09.2023 Archive Pre-result estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
6 Publication Production of foreign trade of agriculture products in 2019
10.12.2020 Archive Production of foreign trade of agriculture products in 2019
7 Publication Crop production in 2017
14.05.2018 Archive Crop production in 2017


No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Statistics in focus Forestry in 2023
27.06.2024 Archive Forestry in 2023
2 Publication Statistical Yearbook of Forestry 2023
30.11.2023 Archive Statistical Yearbook of Forestry 2023
3 Statistics in focus Forest accounts in Poland in 2021
30.11.2023 Archive Forest accounts in Poland in 2021
4 Publication Forestry 2017
30.11.2017 Archive Forestry 2017

National Agricultural Census 2010

No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Publication Rural Areas in Poland - National Agricultural Census 2010


No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Table Sea and freshwater fish catches

PSR 2020

No. Type Document title Date Archive
1 Publication Agricultural Census 2020. Characteristics of households with holders of the agricultural holding based on combined data from the 2020 Agricultural Census and the 2021 Population and Housing Census
2 Publication The Agricultural Census 2020. Characteristics of agricultural holdings in 2020
3 Statistics in focus Employed persons and labour input on agricultural holdings in the period of 12 months – preliminary results of the Agricultural Census 2020
4 Statistics in focus Information on the preliminary results of the Agricultural Census 2020
