Residential construction in January 2018

In January of 2018 there were less dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction projekt and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun increased significantly.
According to preliminary data, in January of 2018, 13561 dwellings were completed, i.e. by 11.7% less than in January of 2017 (in which an increase was noted by 20.2%). Among two main forms of constructions in the housing market worse results were recorded by developers who completed 6925 dwellings, i.e. by 22.4% less than the year before (when an increase was recorded by 30.0%), while private investors completed more dwellings – 6408, i.e. by 6.1% more (in January of an increase was recorded by 12.3%).
Forms of construction |
I 2018 |
number |
XII 2017=100 |
I 2017=100 |
Dwellings completed |
Total |
13561 |
65.3 |
88.3 |
Private |
6408 |
x c) |
106.1 |
For sale or rent |
6925 |
x c) |
77.6 |
Cooperative |
111 |
29.4 |
52.9 |
Rest d) |
117 |
33.9 |
65.7 |
Dwellings in which construction has begun |
Total |
13949 |
114.4 |
124.5 |
Private |
3587 |
x e) |
x e) |
For sale or rent |
10145 |
x e) |
x e) |
Cooperative |
111 |
47.0 |
127.6 |
Rest d) |
106 |
54.4 |
35.5 |
Dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project |
Total |
20783 |
108.1 |
138.7 |
Private |
6038 |
x e) |
x e) |
For sale or rent |
14413 |
x e) |
x e) |
Cooperative |
176 |
91.2 |
140.8 |
Rest d) |
156 |
42.0 |
83.4 |
b) Since January of 2018 data regarding the effects of „the individual construction” concern only dwellings realized for the investor’s own needs; dwellings for sale or rent (included into this form of construction so far) have been included into the form of “construction designated for sale or rent” .
c) According to the revised scope of forms of construction, the data were recalculated initially in I-IV quarter of 2017.
d) The company, municipal and public building society construction.
e) According to the revised scope of forms of construction, indices in relation to the previous month will be presented from February of 2018 and in relation to the corresponding period of the previous year from January of 2019.