Residential construction in the period of January-June 2018

In the period of first six months of 2018 there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun also increased.
According to preliminary data, in the period January-June of 2018, 83217 dwellings were completed, i.e. by 6.3% more than the year before. Among two main forms of constructions on the housing market better results were recorded by developers who completed 48159 dwellings, i.e. by 8.9% more than in the corresponding period of previous year and private investors – 32955 dwellings, i.e. by 1.1% more. The share of these forms of construction amounted to 97.5% of the total number of dwellings completed in a period of six months of 2018 (of which developers – 57.9% and private investors – 39.6%). More dwellings, in comparison with January-June of 2017, were also completed by the housing cooperatives (1007 dwellings against 802), in the public building society construction 533 dwellings (against 199 dwellings the year before), in the municipal construction 490 dwellings (against 436), in the company construction 73 dwelling (against 20).
In January-June of 2018 permits and registrations with a construction project have been granted for construction of 132285 dwellings i.e. by 1.4% more than in the corresponding period of previous year. Permits for construction of the biggest number of dwellings were given to investors in the form of construction for sale or rent - 82607 dwellings and to private investors - 46503 dwellings. Housing cooperatives were given permits for 1026 dwellings (against 869 dwellings the year before) while other investors (the public building society, the municipal and company construction) - 2149 dwellings, i.e. by 4,1% more than the year before.