Residential construction in the period of January 2023

In January 2023, there were more dwellings completed than the year before. Whereas the number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun decreased.
According to the preliminary data, 18.2 thousand dwellings were completed in January 2023, i.e. 9.1% more than in the corresponding month of 2022. Developers completed 10.4 thousand dwellings – by 16.1% more than a year ago, whereas private investors completed 7.6 thousand dwellings, i.e. by 3.7% more. Within these forms of construction, 98.8% of the total number of newly completed dwellings was built. Within other forms of construction, i.e. cooperative, municipal, public building society and company construction 0.2 thousand dwellings were completed (0.4 thousand in the previous year).
The total useful floor area of dwellings completed amounted to 1.7 million m2, i.e. by 5.6% more than a year ago and the average useful floor area of 1 dwelling was 94.8 m2.