Price indices of sold production of industry and construction and assembly production in November 2015

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in November 2015 reached the level similar to the one recorded in the previous month. The growth of prices was recorded in sections: manufacturing as well as in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (by 0.1% each). Among the divisions of manufacturing the biggest growth was recorded in manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (by 1.4%). The prices were also higher among other things in manufacture of pharmaceutical products (by 0.7%), of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, of other transport equipment (by 0.5% each), of wearing apparel (by 0.4%), of electrical equipment, of chemicals and chemical products, of beverages (by 0.3% each), of products of wood, cork, straw and wicker, of other non-metallic mineral products as well as of textiles (by 0.1% each). The price in manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products reached the level similar to the one recorded in the previous month. The drop of prices was recorded among other things in manufacture of metal products, of machinery and equipment, of paper and paper products, of leather and related products (of 0.1% each), of furniture (of 0.2%), of food products (of 0.3%), of printing and reproduction of recorded media (of 0.4%), of rubber and plastic products (of 0.6%) as well as of basic metals (of 1.5%). The prices in section water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities reached the level similar to the one recorded in the previous month. The drop was recorded in mining and quarrying of 1.5%, of which in mining of metal ores - of 3.8% as well as in mining of coal and lignite - of 0.5%.