Price indices of consumer goods and services in July 2018

Consumer prices in July 2018, compared with the previous month, decrease by 0,2% (of which goods – by 0,4%, with a increased of prices of services – by 0,5%). Compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, consumer prices increased by 2,0% (of which goods – by 2,1% and services – by 1,4%).
Contributions of price changes to the total consumer price index
In July of the current year, compared with the previous month, the highest contribution to the total consumer price index came from lower prices of Clothing and footwear (by 3,5%) and Food (by 0,8%), which decreased the index by 0,18 pp and 0,17 pp respectively. Higher prices of Recreation and culture (by 1,8%), Dwelling (by 0,2%) and Transport (by 0,3%) increased the index by 0,12 pp, 0,04 pp and 0,03 pp respectively.
Compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, higher prices related to Transport (by 10,1%), Food (by 2,2%) and Dwelling (by 1,9%) increased the consumer price index by 0,85 pp, 0,50 pp and 0,48 pp respectively. Lower prices of Clothing and footwear (by 4,2%) decreased the index by 0,22 pp.