Consumer price indices in February 2021

Consumer prices in February 2021, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 2,4% (with an increase of prices of services by 7,0% and goods – by 1,1%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 0,5% (with an increase of prices of services by 0,7% and goods – by 0,4%).
Statistics Poland, similarly to previous years, in February of the current year carried out an update of the weighting system used in the compilations of the consumer price index. In accordance with the existing rules the weighting system is based on the structure of households’ expenditures on purchasing consumer goods and services from the year pre-ceding the surveyed year, obtained from the household budget survey. The use of weighting system based on 2020 expenditures, i.e. including the changes in the structure of consump-tion caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, is in accordance with current Eurostat guidelines.
There was an increase in the share of expenditures for, among others, Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, Alcoholic beverages and tobacco and Communication. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the share of expenditures for, among others, Restaurants and hotels, Transport, Recreation and culture and Clothing and footwear.