Price indices of consumer goods and services in February 2019

Consumer prices in February 2019, as related to the previous month, increased by 0,4% (of which services – by 0,6%, and goods – by 0,2%). Compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, consumer prices increased by 1,2% (of which services – by 2,3% and goods – by 0,9%).
Annual update of the weighting system
Statistics Poland, similarly to previous years, in February of the current year carried out an update of the weighting system used in the compilations of the consumer price index. The weighting system is based on the structure of households’ expenditures on purchasing consumer goods and services from the year preceding the surveyed year, obtained from the household budget survey. In the light of these surveys, there were differences in the consumption expenditures of households in 2018 in particular groups being significant in the consumption structure.
There was an increase in the share of expenditures, among others, for Transport, Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Restaurants and hotels, and Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the share of expenditures, among others, for Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, Communication, Health, Recreation and culture, as well as Clothing and footwear. Therefore, a different impact of price changes in particular groups on the total consumer price index was observed, than recorded for the compilations of preliminary data for January of the current year. In January of the current year, as related to January of the previous year, consumer prices increased by 0,7%, compared with the preliminarily estimated increase of 0,9%.
According to final data, consumer price index for January of the current year, as related to the previous month, changed (a decrease of 0,2% against the preliminarily estimated increase of 0,1%).