Statistics in focus First aid and emergency medical services in 2019

In 2019 emergency rescue teams provided health care benefits in the occurence place to more than 3.1 million of persons. Almost 4.6 million of persons received health care benefits in hospital emergency wards or admission rooms under the outpatient treatment while more than 1.5 millon of persons received health care benefits in hospital emergency wards under the inpatient treatment.

Statistics in focus Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in March and April 2020

In March 2020, 881.4 thousand tourists were accommodated and 2.5 million overnight stays were provided.

Publication Statistical Bulletin No 4/2020

Basic data and indicators describing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series – monthly, quarterly, annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries...

Publication Socio-economic situation of the country in April 2020

Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes in the national economy, including monthly, quarterly and annual information, among others, on the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, the domestic market), balance of payments and foreign trade.

Publication Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2020 (May 2020)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.

Statistics in focus Stationary social welfare facilities in 2019

As of 31st December 2019, in Poland there were 1 837 stationary social welfare facilities and 49 branches, with 118.9 thousand places. 112.5 thousand residents stayed in stationary social welfare facilities, including 53.9 thousand women.

Statistics in focus Market of works of art and antiques in 2019

In 2019 the total amount of sold art and antiques amounted to PLN 162.5 million and increased by PLN 29.1 million in comparison to 2018.

From May 25, 2020, we resume direct customer service at the REGON register points and Information Center

We inform that from May 25, 2020, Statistics Poland resumes direct customer service at the REGON register points in the regional Statistical Offices
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