Statistics in focus Housing economy in Poland in 2018

In Poland, as of the end of 2018, there were recorded 14.6 million dwellings (an increase of 1.2 % as compared with the end of 2017) with the total useful floor area of 1 084.2 million m2, with 55.9 million rooms.

Statistics in focus Energy management and gas supply system in Poland in 2018

In Poland in 2018, consumption of gas per capita in urban areas decreased by 11.5 kWh (by 0.7 %) and amounted to 1 553 kWh.

Communique/Announcements Communication on price index of consumer goods and services in August 2019

Price index of consumer goods and services in August 2019 as related to July 2019 amounted to 100.0 (prices remained at the same level).

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in August 2019

Consumer prices in August 2019 remained on average at the level similar to the one recorded in the previous month (with an increse of prices of services – by 1,0% and a decrease of prices of goods – by 0,3%).

Publication Outlays and results in industry - I-II quarter 2019

Production, turnover, new orders, paid employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, time worked, price indicators, investment outlays, current assets, sources of property financing, company financial indicators according to the average monthly gross wages and according to the net turnover profitability ratio.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-July 2019

Foreign trade turnover in January – July this year according to exports at current prices amounted to PLN 578.5 bn, while imports amounted to PLN 579,2.8 bn. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 0.7 bn, while in the same period last year amounted to minus PLN 8.8 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2018, exports increased by 6.6%, and imports by 5.0%.

Publication Socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 2/2019

Basic information describing the socio-economic situation of the voivodships. Selected categories presented from a dynamic perspective, as well as in relation to average values for the country on a quarterly and accumulative basis.

Publication Social Responsibility of Official Statistics. Report 2018

We are pleased to present the first edition of the Report on Social Responsibility of Official Statistics. This is the first publication of the kind prepared by Statistics Poland. The Report seeks to encompass the values we follow in the field of the social responsibility of official statistics. In the publication, we present selected activities related to the idea of social responsibility, undertaken by public statistics in 2018.
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