Communique/Announcements National Health Account in 2017


Publication Social assistance, child and family services in 2018

Basic information characterising residential welfare institutions. Selected data on the beneficiaries and amounts of monetary and non-monetary welfare benefits based on administrative decisions. Data on family benefits.

Publication Construction results in 2018

Material output of construction (residential buildings put into operation: number of flats, rooms, flat floor space, volume, building type, construction form, construction technology, average duration of construction; non-residential buildings put into operation – number, volume, floor space), flats in residential and non-residential buildings (number, floor space, number of rooms, construction form), number of civil and water engineering structures. Construction permits and licenses for new residential and non-residential buildings and civil and water engineering structures. Flats whose construction has started.

Publication Registered unemployment I-II quarter 2019

The publication consists of methodological notes, comments to tables, analytic chapter and statistical tables and graphs (in Polish and English). The presented data concern unemployed persons registered in powiats labour offices and searching a job through these offices. The information on the unemployed is presented by sex, age, level of education, duration of unemployment, regions, voivodships, subregions, and powiats.

Publication Culture in 2018

It describes the network and activity of cultural institutions and other entities conducting cultural activity, such as theatres, music and entertainment institutions, cinemas, museums and institutions related to museum, public, scientific, pedagogical and specialised libraries, art galleries, as well as cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres. It contains data on the organisation of mass arts and entertainment events, data on publishing and film production, radio and television subscribers, selected information on financing culture and expenditures on culture incurred by households, selected data on educational establishments, school-based artistic circles, participants in arts extracurricular and optional classes in schools for children and youth.

Publication Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in 1st half of 2019

It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners.

Communique/Announcements Average unemployment rate in Poland and by powiats (medium sized administrative units) as of 30th June 2019

Average unemployment rate in Poland and by powiats (medium sized administrative units) as of 30th June 2019

Publication Transport - activity results in 2018

Information on types of transport, transport network (by voivodships), vehicle fleet (by vehicle types) and registered motor vehicles (by vehicle types and voivodships), cargo and passenger transport (by transport types and destinations)...

Publication Post and telecommunications - activity results in 2018

The publication contains statistical data for 2018, on the background previous years, characterizing performance results of economic entities which render post and telecommunications services, classified according to the Polish Classification of Activities 2007 into the section: 53 “Post and Courier Activity” and 61 “Telecommunications”.
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