Publication Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2022 (December 2022)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.

Table Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate. As at the end of November 2022

Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by macroregion, region and subregions. As at the end of November 2022

Publication Statistical Bulletin No 11/2022

Basic data and indicators describing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series – monthly, quarterly, annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries...

Publication Production of major industrial products in November 2022

Basic information on volume production of major industrial products manufactured by entities with the number of persons employed 50 or more. The information relates to the production of finished products for sale, as well as for further processing inside the enterprise, produced from own and entrusted raw materials.

Publication Socio-economic situation of the country in November 2022

Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes taking place, among others, in the area of the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market), transport and foreign trade, as well as the situation in selected countries of the world.

Publication KLEMS productivity accounts – Poland 2007-2020

Results of gross value added (GVA) decomposition into factor contributions done according to KLEMS methodology and of additional decomposition of the labour factor contribution, complemented by a methodological introduction

Publication Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2022

The Yearbook contains the basic information on the numbers and structure of the population of Poland in 2021, and retrospective data prepared on the basis of population summaries and data on vital statistics (characteristics of new marriages, adjudged divorces and separations, births and deaths), as well as lifespan. Moreover, in the yearbook information about internal and international population migrations, and a short version of the international comparison was presented.

Publication Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2021

Presentation of data on the consumption of selected fuels and energy carriers: hard coal, natural gas, liquid gas, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, heat and electricity.

Publication Specialized Financial Market Segments in 2021

Description of the conditions of the macroeconomic situation in Poland and in the world in the context of the activities of enterprises included in the selected specialized segments of the financial market.

Statistics in focus Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January - September 2022

In the first three quarters of 2022 financial results of cultural institutions increased in comparison to results obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 20.2% during this period. Investment outlays increased by 25.8%.
1    155  156  157  158  159  160  161  162  163    595
