Statistics in focus Prices of agricultural products in October 2022

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products1 increased in October 2022 in comparison with the previous month (by 0.2%) as well as while compared to the corresponding month of the previous year (by 56.7%).

Statistics in focus Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in October 2022

In October 2022, average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared to October 2021 was higher by 2.4% y/y and amounted to 6500.9 thousand full-time equivalents. In comparison to the previous month average paid employment increased minimally (by 0.1%).

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - November 2022

In November the assessments of general business climate indicator remain negative in most of presented kinds of activities.

Communique/Announcements Average monthly gross wages and salaries in national economy in voivodships in 2021

Average monthly gross wages and salaries in national economy in voivodships in 2021

Communique/Announcements Price index of construction and assembly production in the 3rd quarter of 2022

Price index of construction and assembly production in the third quarter of 2022 as compared to the second quarter of 2022 increased by 3,5%.

Statistics in focus Financial instruments of non-financial enterprises in 2021

2,338 subjects participated in the study. Financial instruments in assets were shown by 2,221 enterprises for the amount of PLN 711.8 billion. Financial instruments in liabilities were shown by 2,008 enterprises for the amount of PLN 713.5 billion. Derivatives in assets and liabilities were reported by 376 and 377 entities, respectively, and the value of these instruments amounted to PLN 38.7 billion and PLN 44.6 billion.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-September 2022

Foreign trade turnover in January-September 2022 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 1 170.9 bn, while in imports - PLN 1 239.3 bn. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 68.3 bn, while in the same period of 2021 year was positive and amounted to PLN 9.1 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of 2021 exports increased by 22.9%, while imports by 31.4%.

Statistics in focus Tourist accommodation establishments in coastal areas in July and August 2022

In July and August 2022, 1.8 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments located in coastal areas, and 8.5 million overnight stays were provided for them. Compared to the same period last year, the number of tourists was higher by 2.4%, and number of overnight stays decreased by 2.0%.

Publication Housing economy and municipal infrastructure in 2021

Condition of housing resources and housing conditions – furnishing apartments with technical and sanitary facilities. Commune land for housing construction and housing allowances paid in 2021 by municipalities to users of residential premises.

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in October 2022

Consumer prices in October 2022 compared with the corresponding month of the previ-ous year, increased by 17,9% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 19,5% and services – by 13,0%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 1,8% (of which goods – by 2,1% and services – by 0,7%).
1    151  152  153  154  155  156  157  158  159    582
