Publication Economic aspects of environmental protection 2022

The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and environmental information.

Publication Information society in Poland in 2022

The publication presents the results of the "Information Society Indicators" survey, which includes: a report on the use of ICT in enterprises, a report on the use of ICT in financial sector enterprises, the use of ICT in public administration units, the use of ICT in households (including an individual questionnaire) and basic characteristics of the ICT sector.

Publication Religious denominations in Poland 2019-2021

The presented book "Religious denominations in Poland in 2019-2021" is the 10th edition of the cyclical publishing series of the Statistic Poland. At the beginning of the publication, selected aspects of the methodology of statistical surveys of religious denominations in Poland are discussed (Chapter 1). Then, there are considerations concerning the names of Polish churches and religious associations in the perspective of the sciences of culture and religion (Chapter 2), and the classification of Polish churches and religious associations by religious traditions is presented and commented on (Chapter 3).

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in November 2022

Consumer prices in November 2022 compared with the corresponding month of the pre-vious year, increased by 17,5% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 18,8% and services – by 13,2%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 0,7% (of which goods – by 0,7% and services – by 0,6%).

Publication Social assistance beneficiaries in 2021

The publication presents: changes in the size of the population of beneficiaries of social assistance and their households, as well as the scale of benefiting from this assistance along with its regional differentiation; the population of beneficiaries and their households, including single-person households in 2021, with numerous references to the beginning of the 2012–2021 decade; poor beneficiaries of social assistance and their households; the problem of sustainability of benefiting from social assistance and changes in the population of households with children in connection with the introduction of child-raising benefit in 2016.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-October 2022

Foreign trade turnover1 in January-October 2022 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 1 321.7 bn, while in imports - PLN 1 394.4 bn. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 72.7 bn, while in the same period of 2021 year was positive and amounted to PLN 7.5 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of 2021 exports increased by 23.3%, while imports by 31.0%.

Publication Outlays and results in industry - the 1st quarter to the 3rd quarter 2022

Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays, current assets, the sources of financing of enterprises assets.

Health of refugees from Ukraine in Poland 2022. Survey findings


Statistics in focus Accidents at work in January–September 2022 - preliminary data

42,604 persons injured in accidents at work were reported in January-September 2022, by 2.3% fewer than in 2021. The number of injured persons per 1,000 employed persons (the incidence rate) also decreased from 3.23 to 2.99.

Statistics in focus Producer price indices for business services in the third quarter of 2022

In the third quarter of 2022, the producer prices for business services increased compared to the previous quarter by 1.9% and compared to the third quarter of 2021 by 7.7%.
1    158  159  160  161  162  163  164  165  166    595
